Published On: October 15, 2019

NEW – 2019 Professional Development Series for Teachers Announced
Our Art Teachers Alliance offers a professional development series open to all art teachers from the Eliot School, Boston Public Schools, other schools and community partners, as well as independent teaching artists (no membership required).
You may attend all three or choose among them. Learn more and register here. Ask about PD Points.

Restorative Justice Practices ALC Course
Join educators from across BPS to deepen and expand our use of Restorative Justice practices. The course is a combination of 8 in-person sessions and online learning.

Give a BPS TechTalk!
During Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 9-15, 2019), Boston Public Schools will host our first BPSTechTalk, an evening to showcase successes, challenges & best practices around tech & computer science.

Free Books for Teachers of Students Aged 5-13
The Roads to Reading Literacy Initiative is moving out of the Boston Area and needs to give away all books at its Waltham storage facility. Any teacher interested in picking up books should contact

News from Telescope

  • Survey raffle winner #3: This week, Jill Kilcoyne (Math Teacher at Josiah Quincy Upper School) won a $25 Target gift card for taking this quick needs assessment survey. More winners coming soon. We will use your responses to develop teacher-driven PD throughout the year.
  • Trivia Night Results: Thanks to all who joined us on 10/11 for Telescope Teacher Trivia Night. We had 42 people from 11 different BPS schools at the event. Ingrid Roche (BLA) and her team took home the 1st place gold tiara. Educators from the Rafael Hernandez came in 2nd place. 
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