Family Engagement Task Force: January 22
Help us firm up our mission to engage and organize parents and educators together for get what #OurStudentsDeserve!
Personal Statement: A Documentary Screening: January 23
Learn more about the event here.
NEW- BPS Strategic Plan Feedback Session: January 25, 10:00AM – 4:00PM at Thelma Burns Building
BEJA will be having feedback session to discuss the Superintendent’s Strategic Plan and its connection to the BPS budget. Learn more here.
1st Annual Vietnamese Dual Language Gathering: January 27
Please join us for the 1st Annual Vietnamese Dual Language Gathering at VietAID. More information here.
Haitian Educators Committee Meeting: January 28
Find out more here.
NEW- Dual Language Educators Committee Meeting: January 28, 4:30PM at Sarah Greenwood School
Come join us in planning next steps to support teachers, parents, and families! Learn more here.
Black Lives Matter at School Week: February 3-7
Join us for training to get ready for the 2020 Black Lives Matter at School week of action from Feb 3-7! Light dinner will be provided. All BTU members and allies are welcome. Learn more and RSVP here.
NEW- Keep ICE out of BPS! Petition and Teach-in: February 4
SIM has put out a petition about the issue of BPS student information-sharing with ICE and is planning teach-ins and gearing up for action. Please sign on here, and share it widely with your networks. Please also join us for our community teach-in on Feb 4.
NEW- Arts Educators Committee Meeting: February 7, 4:30 – 6:30PM at JP Seafood
The Arts Educators Committee is hosting a social gathering at JP Seafood on Friday, February 7. Please join us to meet other arts educators and others who want to advocate for the arts in the Boston Public Schools. Learn more and RSVP here!
NEW- Breathe For Change Wellness Workshop: February – April
BTU and Breathe For Change are excited to be co-sponsoring a Wellness Workshop for all BPS Educators at the Union Hall. Educators will be equipped with skills and strategies to reduce stress, enhance well-being, and facilitate social-emotional learning (SEL*F), and will walk away with a deeper understanding of how to use wellness as a vehicle for social change.
BTU and BEJA Present – Stronger Together: Parents and Educators Unite! February 29, 8:30AM – 3:00PM
Please plan to join us from 8:30 AM to 3 PM on Saturday, February 29 for the 6th Annual BTU Winter Conference, open to all interested BTU members.
NEW- BTU Toiletry Drive: March 11 – April 8
During the months of March and April, toiletry donations will be accepted for Rosie’s Place and the Pine Street Inn. During that time, drop-off boxes will be available outside of the BTU office.
Save the Date: AFT – BTU Annual Conference for Paraprofessionals & School-Related Personnel: April 4
If you’re an AFT paraprofessional or school-related personnel (PSRP), you’ll want to join hundreds of your colleagues from across Massachusetts for the AFT Massachusetts – Boston Teachers Union Annual Conference for Paraprofessionals & School-Related Personnel. Mark your calendar!
NEW- Student Debt Clinic: May 12
We’re inviting interested AFT members to attend a union-sponsored Student Debt Clinic for information that could help you manage student loan payments and learn about student debt forgiveness.
NEW- 2020 Scholarship Information
Click here to get all of the information on BTU-sponsored and community scholarships!
Inclusion Tracker
To get the inclusion services our students deserve it will take all of us being vigilant and reporting what we see in our classrooms. Fill out the Inclusion Tracker here and visit our website for more information.
Assessment of Non-Exclusionary Disciplinary Practices Survey
Please take some time to review the list of non-exclusionary practices and answer the four questions in the survey here. BPS email is needed to access the link.
Join the Hustle and Bustle Wellness Challenge
It’s hard to prioritize fitness during the hectic holiday season. Commit to staying in shape through this interactive wellness challenge! Learn more here.
Paraprofessional Teacher Preparation Grant Program
The Paraprofessional Teacher Preparation Grant Program provides financial assistance to Massachusetts residents who are currently employed as paraprofessionals in Massachusetts public schools but wish to become certified as full-time teachers. Learn more here.
Ethnic Studies Professional Learning Community
Are you looking for a community of like-minded teachers who are developing ethnic studies pedagogy and curriculum for Boston? Contact Amrita Dani with any questions or get more information and sign up here!
BTU Early Notification of Retirement Resources
BTU has provided a collection of retirement incentives for interested parties. Take a second to learn more here!
NEW- Volunteers Needed for Retirement+ Committee
The Retirement+ Committee is looking to identify one or more members at every school in the BPS system who can volunteer to act as a contact or liaison to the R+ Committee. It could entail disseminating information, collecting information or organizing members to assist in our efforts to change the current law prohibiting eligibility in the Teacher Accelerated Retirement Plan/Retirement Plus. Email your name, your school and non-BPS email address to