Published On: September 8, 2010

Good morning.

Question 3, on the ballot this November, would cut the Mass sales tax from 6.25% to 3%, decreasing state revenue by $2.5 billion. If Question 3  passes, local aid and other discretionary spending would need to be cut a further 30%. The BTU has joined the Massachusetts Coalition for Our Communities to oppose Question 3, and the BTU COPE Committee has donated $150,000 to the committee to help in the campaign to defeat Question 3.




Contract Reminders and Updates

Paycheck Schedule

A second paycheck is due this week, and the check will have a single deduction for health insurance “€” so we are back to normal. Things will progress this way for the next six years: a paycheck every other Friday and a single deduction for health insurance. Reminder to save your paychecks and to make sure you are being paid correctly. Teachers et al in Turnaround Schools ought to get their 2nd installment of either 1/22 or 1/26 of $4100, depending on how many annual paychecks you receive. Most of us choose 26.

Pay for OT for Paras

Paras as a rule do not do any of the extra time and do not get paid. We have gotten a few calls from paras, in particular at the Holland, who were told to do the time “€” -then told they would not get paid. Correction: they will get paid. The union will be filing a grievance this week. A cautionary note to paras: Do not work any of the overtime unless you have been told  to do it. Any paras who have worked the OT but who have not been paid, please email Jenna.

Class Size Maxima Limits

We have very good class size maxima language and enforcement language that protects both our students and us. Please make sure you understand the class size limits, and we encourage you to file a grievance when those limits are violated. The process to file is done on line and is quite simple.

ETF Grievance: Loss of Clerks

ETFs: If you have lost a clerk either full time or part time. please notify Patrick Connolly at  in order to be included in the grievance. Please include name, ID#, school, and change in clerk’s schedule (e.g. from 1.0 to .4 fte). Please note if you are a Citywide ETF. Pilot schools ETFs ARE included in this grievance. Just let Patrick Connolly know.

Important Notice to Building Reps–Please RSVP As Soon as You Can. Thank you!

We are doing a quick survey and we’d like your help and participation. Of the 18 hours of PD to take place at your school this year, how many, if any, are specifically dedicated to ELL Category Training? Can you please email either Richard or call the BTU, with the information? And can you please do it this morning? Would be much appreciated.

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