Published On: April 24, 2018

NEW — Attention All High School Educators: Drive Your Learning, Be the Change
The BTU and BPS have been awarded two grants from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation to empower educators in 7-12 and high schools to drive their own interest-based professional learning and retool their classrooms and schools. Join us on either May 4 or 15 for an introduction to these two exciting projects and to learn how you can get involved. See our flyer for details and RSVP using this form. This event is open to all educators and school leaders.

The Teacher Leadership Fund: What challenge do you want to solve?
The Teacher Leadership Fund, a new feature of our contract, puts resources directly in the hands of BTU educators to address the challenges they see in their classrooms and schools and across the district. Grants of up to $15,000 are available for teams of educators who want to create and share solutions to improve student learning and well-being. See complete information about the program, including application and guidelines. The application deadline is May 7. Note: This replaces the Lead Teacher program. There will be no centrally funded stipends for a lead teacher in each school next year.

NEW — Important Updates re: PD Hours for 2017-18
In the next two months, all schools are required to set an instructional focus and plan and schedule professional development for next year. By contract, your school’s ILT must engage all educators in the PD planning process. Now is the time to make sure this happens. Schedule A ELT school staff must vote to approve the 2018-19 PD calendar by June. In all other schools, staff must be notified of the calendar by June. See our new Frequently Asked Questions about School-Based Professional Learning.

NEW — Special Note re: Summer PD
Many schools are considering scheduling some of their contractual PD time during the summer. This requires using the contractual waiver process which includes a 2/3rd vote of the staff.

NEW — 2018 Teacher Summer Institute
The BTU and BPS will host our 2nd Annual Teacher Summer Institute from August 20-22. ALL EDUCATORS are invited to come learn about the Essentials from fellow educators. Register today! If you have any questions, please email If you would like to present a session at TSI 2018, please review the Call for Session Proposals.

Share Your Thoughts on the K1 & K2 Rubric: Today, April 24
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 to share thoughts on the Observational Assessment System. See the flyer.

NEW — Spring Science Course: Cultivating a Scientific Community in the Classroom, Starting Outdoors
The outdoor classroom offers the perfect environment to help students begin to exercise greater agency over what and how they learn. Read about upcoming sessions, and contact Alma Wright at with questions.

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