Published On: September 11, 2024



BTU members walked the picket line in support of Unite Here Local 26 workers who were on strike last week. Unite Here union members working at four Boston hotels joined 10,000 of their siblings across the country to demand a fair contract.



Dear Member,

Now that we all have had some time to settle into our workplaces and meet our colleagues and students, it’s time to start building towards our final push to get a contract settled with the School Committee.


Tomorrow, September 11th, is our first membership meeting of the year. This is a perfect opportunity for our new members to meet colleagues, collect resource materials for the fall and most importantly learn how far we’ve come in negotiations and how far we still have to go. Let us know if you need childcare for the meeting.

Contract Updates and Future Organizing actions

Last week, BTU President Erik Berg explained the BTU’s position on the two major negotiating priorities (check out the video) on the first day of school. Thousands of BTU members have written postcards in support of the negotiating team which the BTU will deliver to the Mayor this month. The people in power are aware of our demands, now we must all do our part to ensure our colleagues, community partners and BPS families are aware too.

That is why it is crucial for ALL BTU members to wear your BTU shirt on September 19th, the date of our next bargaining session. In addition, we encourage members to attend that bargaining session at the BTU Hall to show solidarity. Please register to attend the session if you are able to make it. Our presence at these meetings matters: it shows the district that our members are engaged, holds them accountable and forces them to justify their rejections of reasonable solutions in front of the workers who keep this district running.

On September 30th, federal COVID-era relief funding expires. Along with teacher unions across the country, the BTU will be holding walk-ins to call for continued investments in our schools and our students, including a fair contract which guarantees appropriate services for students with disabilities and fair wages for our workers. Stay tuned for more details.

Pay Stubs and Retirement

As the school year begins, we want to remind everyone to check your pay stub to ensure everyone is being paid correctly. Because of the many payroll issues teachers and paras have confronted recently, the BTU has repeatedly pressed the district at the bargaining table to provide a clear and concise summary of an educator’s work hours and pay rate at the start of the school year.

Astonishingly, the district’s team has refused to provide educators with a written document outlining their hours of work and rate of pay. We have also proposed that all stipends be labeled on pay stubs so that educators can actually determine if they were paid correctly. It must be a basic standard for all workers to have an indisputable understanding of when they have to show up for work, and how much they will be paid.

If you encounter any issues with your pay, work assignments or hours, please contact BPS payroll and if continue to have problems then please contact your Field Representative.

We have noticed that in recent years financial vendors have been making their way into the teachers rooms at the start of the school year to try to sell 403(b)/Tax Sheltered Annuity plans to our members. The BTU and the district have a formal agreement which states that all vendors seeking to sell products to teachers are not allowed in teachers’ lounges and can only set up shop in the main office. The BTU strongly advises our members to stick with the 457 SMART Plan. Our interim Executive Vice President Richard Stutman has sent a letter to Superintendent Mary Skipper expressing the union’s concerns.

Special Education Updates

BPS recently informed the BTU that they are increasing the ABA strand class sizes from 10 to 11 in grades K2 through 12 in accordance with state regulations (603 C.M.R. 28.06(6)(c)) All the impacted school leaders have been notified and BPS shared this memo with additional details.

As previously shared, all districts across the state are expected to implement the new IEP beginning in 2024-2025. All staff need to update their Access Boston passwords to access EdPlan and should use the EdPlan Access and Changes Form if additional assistance is needed. For more support, BPS has this FAQ document and EdPlan is offering virtual 1-hour webinars on several topics found on their September training calendar.

We’d like to thank Zach Houston of the BPS Special Education Department and the ABA Program directors for helping to plan and facilitate the Safety Care training for over 200 paras on Sept 3rd and 4th.

Presidential Election

Please read the weekly e-Bulletin for other opportunities to join the BTU, AFT Massachusetts, and the AFT in campaigning for the Harris/Walz ticket. We also encourage you to attend a virtual watch party with your AFT union siblings to watch the Harris Trump Debate tonight.

Solidarity and upcoming events The entire BTU Para Council along with other BTU members stood in solidarity with paraprofessionals working for the Fall River School District last night. Our union allies are fighting a similar battle as our own paraprofessionals and we will continue to share details about upcoming actions to support them.

The BTU is hosting a back to school party for members on September 20th at the BTU Hall from 4 to 8pm. We will also be holding our annual Back to School Fair for the community on Saturday September 28th where will be donating more than 40,000 books to students, parents and educators. You can find more details about these events in the section below.


NEW-BTU Special Election Information:

Nominations for the position of Vice President are due tomorrow Sept. 11th. Paper nomination pages can be handed in at the BTU Hall from 4pm until the end of the union membership meeting, which is scheduled for 630pm. Electronic nominations close at the end of the union meeting. Dues paying BTU/RTC members in good standing can run for this office and sign nomination papers. Please see the updated Electronic Nomination Instructions and Candidates Guide for more information. Paper nomination forms are available at the union office.

Each member can only nominate one candidate in this race. 100 nominations are required to qualify for contention, but it is recommended that prospective candidates gather more signatures than required to account for any potential duplications.

Mail-in ballots will be sent out to members starting next week. If you plan to vote by mail, please fill out your ballot and send it to the BTU office ASAP. Mail-in ballots much reach the BTU office by October 15th in order to be counted. In-person voting will be held on October 16th at the BTU Hall. If more than two candidates qualify, October 16th will be a primary election. If there are two or fewer candidates, October 16th will be a final election. New BTU members can participate in the election but must vote in-person.

You may contact ombudspeople Marjie Crosby and Danielle Fraine with questions or concerns at Members are welcome to attend and ask questions at the start of election committee meetings.  The next meeting is Sept. 30 at 5 pm at the BTU. Contact with any questions about your membership status.


BTU Events and Announcements

Join the BTU Contract Organizing Committee!

The Contract Organizing Committee will work in collaboration with the negotiating team and Executive Board to develop and implement organizing and action plans for our contract bargaining campaign. We’re looking to convene a diverse group of BTU members, representing a range of bargaining units, roles, grade bands, races, experience levels, and school types across as many schools as possible. Learn more and apply here.

Submit Building Rep Election Results

A reminder that all schools should conduct Building Rep elections before the end of the school year. If you need guidance on how to conduct a Building Rep election, please see p. 25 of the Building Rep Handbook. Once you have your election results please submit them at

BTU Jewish Affinity Group: September 18th 4:30-5:30pm The BTU’s Jewish Affinity Group aims to build a safe space for Jewish BTU Members to connect and organize as Jewish educators. This is a group that welcomes people with diverse perspectives on all issues, including issues related to Israel/Palestine. Please email to be added to our mailing list and for the link to our first meeting on September 18th.

Puerto Rico: Virtual Reading and Discussion: 9/8 and 9/15 7-8pm, 9/21 3pm

Join the ethnic studies committee to read and discuss the text Puerto Rico, A History, by Jorel Meléndez-Badillo! We will discuss the book on 9/8 and 9/15 on Zoom from 7-8pm, and have a discussion with the author on Zoom on 9/21 at 3pm! All are welcome for a part or all of the events! Register HERE

BTU Member Back to School Party: September 20th

Join your union siblings at the BTU Hall from 4 to 8pm to celebrate the kick-off of another wonderful school year! Register HERE

AFT Black Caucus: Boston Chapter 1st meeting The first meeting of this school year is in person at the BTU Tuesday, September 17 at 4:30 pm. Stop by to meet Black Caucus officers and members and learn about priorities for the year.



BTU 11th Annual Back to School Fair: Saturday September 28th, 10am-2pm

Join Educators, Families, Students and Community Partners for a joyous day celebrating Back to School! Thousands of free books! Music, Food, Family Fun Activities and much more! Please share the word with your school community! Check out our page to register and learn more about tabling for your organization!

Unafraid Educators Meeting: Monday, September 23rd @ 4:30pm Please join us at Fenway High for our September Unafraid Educators Meeting! We are the BTU’s Immigrant Rights Organizing Committee, and work to support our students and families. We will discuss goals for the upcoming school year, and share what we accomplished last year! We’ll have pizza, salads, and snacks for everyone.

Power Saturdays at the BTU: SY 24-25

Power Saturdays are a monthly day for BTU members to connect, learn, and grow our power together through three unique learning and leadership development opportunities. Member Organizers: Build organizing skills and take action; Education Policy Program: Connect research, policy and practice.; Writing and Research Fellowship: Deepen personal and professional identity through research and writing. Learn more and apply.


Making Strides Against Breast Cancer: Join the BTU Walkers on Oct. 5th Join a group of your BTU union siblings at the annual Making Strides against Breast Cancer Walk at the Hatch Shell on the Esplanade in Boston from 8am to 10am to contribute to the fight to eradicate breast cancer. Click here to join our team and donate!

Newly Hired Para/Sub/ABA reception: October 7,2024 at 5pm

Please join us for light refreshment and get to know your benefits learn more about BTU. Learn more about this reception here.

Harvard Conant Fellowship Information Session: October 9th, 7-8 PM

This virtual event will provide an overview of degree programs and unique funding opportunities available to BTU members. Hear from Admissions and Financial Aid officers, as well as past recipients of the James Bryant Conant Fellowship, a competitive full-tuition award to support the professional growth of outstanding educators in BPS. Register Here.

Para 101 PD for newly hired paraprofessionals: Multiple session in October, November and December.

Para 101 is about building a community of paras who are knowledgeable about their rights and are aware of the support and strategies that they can use to build stronger relationships with students and teachers in the classroom. Please see this flyer for all of the dates and details.

Paraprofessional Informational Meeting and Resources Fair: October 10th Come join us at the BTU Hall on October 10th at 5pm for important information and great resource materials from colleges, MTEL support and more. Register here!

BTU Fall Conference: October 18th to 20th

Join us for the 2024 Annual BTU Fall Leadership Conference from October 18-20 at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel (250 Market St, Portsmouth, NH 03801). The program will include plenary sessions, skill-building workshops, meals, and social events to build up our power and unity as BTU member leaders. The registration deadline is October 4th.

BTU Retirement Planning Seminar: October 25, 2024, 4:30-6:30pm

“When will I be able to Retire?” Find out by attending the BTU Retirement Planning Seminar on Friday, October 25, 2024. Trustees from the City of Boston Retirement Board and from Health Insurance and Social Security will also be in attendance. Register Here!

The applications for Para Mentor, Para Facilitator and Teacher/ Coach are up on TalentEd  This is a great opportunity to train and mentor your fellow paraprofessionals. We are looking for two teachers to help coach and mentor the para facilitators. You must have 5 years experience in BPS to apply for any of these positions

Please reach out to Colleen Hart at if you have any questions .

Community News & Events

Climate Resilient Schools Coalition meeting on Thursday, Sept 12 at 4pm

We’ll be kicking off with a panel discussion on creating intergenerational space within the Coalition, celebrating exciting district updates, and sharing details about our new youth cohort program! We will be looking to Boston Public Schools to recruit young people for the youth cohort. This is a paid position for youth. Please register here for Zoom link for the meeting. More information about the climate youth cohort can be found here.


Seaport Studio Educator Open House: Friday, Sept. 13 4:30-6:30

Make art with fellow educators, explore the galleries with ICA educators, and learn about offerings for students and schools at the Seaport Studio. Snacks, materials, and giveaways provided. Visit the website for more information.

Multilingual Education in MA: Learning from the past and present to empower future learners: September 19, 7-8:30pm

“Understanding the political landscape and the multilingual parent and student experience” is the first of three virtual sessions exploring multilingual education in Massachusetts, hosted by Citizens for Public Schools. Speakers will explore the current Massachusetts political and policy landscape for multilingual learners (MLL). They will discuss effective programming for MLLs that uphold their native languages and cultures, while learning academics and English. You can register and learn more here


The Boston Desegregation and Busing Initiative’s upcoming September events

The Boston Desegregation and Busing Initiative has been actively working throughout this 50th anniversary year of Boston school desegregation and busing. The focus has been on addressing “what happened,” “lessons learned,” and “what’s next for Boston Public Schools.” There are several upcoming events including a walking tour of key locations on 9/14 and a forum at the BPL on 9/28. More information here

Free Field Trips to the Arboretum for Gr. 3 and 4 There are still open dates in November to bring students for a guided field trip at the Arnold Arboretum. Programs include Native Trees/Native Peoples (gr 3), Weathering, Erosion and Deposition (gr 4) and Plants in Autumn (gr.4). Each is 2 hours long and a free bus gets you to and from the Arboretum. To register and for more information go here.


Annual BPS Attendance Symposium: September 26th

The 8th Annual BPS Attendance Symposium on Sept. 26th, from 8:30-2:00, at the Bolling Building, 2nd Floor will convene school staff, community partners, and families to shed light on the importance of consistent attendance as a critical determinant of student success. This year’s offering will uplift strategies that deepen student’s sense of belonging while activating family partnerships to strengthen school communities and improve student mental health. Please note that space will be limited to the first 150 attendees, including staff of the schools receiving awards. Contact Gabriella Cruz at for more information.

District Assessments Calendar

The District Assessment Calendar for SY 2024-25 is available to share with school teams, link here. Specific state test administration deadlines will be listed in the Assessments Google calendar. For questions contact

ODA Back-to-School Trainings – MAP PDs Added!

ODA is offering PDs for your staff to learn about data platforms and get ready for the school year. MAP PDs scheduled in September-October! Click here for the full schedule and more info.  PD Schedule. Questions contact

Participants sought for research study: Union Engagement Project with Harvard Kennedy School

Tova Wang is Director of Research in Democratic Practice at the Ash Center, Harvard Kennedy School, and is developing a project to help unions understand how union activities impact levels of union member voter participation. She is trying to uncover what is it, outside of GOTV and formal political education programs, that makes union members more likely to be active voters.


Tova is interested in doing a small number of interviews of BTU leaders, and then a small number of interviews with members. All interviews will be confidential. If you would be willing to talk to her for no more than an hour, or want to learn more about it, please contact her at

Retirement Party for Sheila Jefferson: November 1st

Sheila Jefferson is retiring from Boston Public Schools after 33 years of service! Please come celebrate with her on November 1, 2024 from 7pm- 12 midnight at Canton Town Club, 300 Bailey Street in Canton. Cost of attendance is $65 and can be sent to Venmo: @TJ-Adams-4, Zelle: 6179634879, Cashapp: $Tadams70. Any questions, contact: Sheila 617-365-4907

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