Interested in giving back? Interested in making a difference? Join BTU members as we gear up for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on Sunday, October 2. We’ll gather for an adult-only Welcome Back party on Friday, September 9, from 3-8 PM, at the BTU Hall. See the flyer for all details.

Everyone of us knows someone who is either living with breast cancer or has succumbed to this horrible disease. Please go to the BTU Walkers link and add either your name or your team name under BTU.

When you support me with a donation or join the BTU Walkers team, the American Cancer Society will be able to help more people in more communities touched by breast cancer by funding groundbreaking breast cancer research, providing free comprehensive information and support, and helping people take steps to reduce their breast cancer risk or find it early when it is most treatable.

Every step taken and every dollar raised will help finish the fight against breast cancer, so please consider either walking with me or your own team and supporting the walk with a donation.

Thank you so much for your support! Visit my PERSONAL page and visit our TEAM’s page. See our flyer for more information on our September 9 Welcome Back party.