The salary schedules in effect at the end of the 2009-2010 school year (teachers, paras, and substitutes) remain in effect until a successor contract is negotiated. As part of our collective bargaining package, we ARE seeking a cost-of-living salary increase for all members of the BTU retroactive to 9/1/10. In the meantime, salary adjustments that have been negotiated in the past (steps, lanes, and career awards) continue. So if you are due a salary increase this year based on salary step advancement, for example, you will find the increase reflected in your first paycheck for 2010-2011.
Opening Day Schedule
The first day of school is Tuesday, September 7. The administration gets three hours, as does the BTU. The BTU’s time is divided up as follows: 30 minutes for BTU orientation, during which time B Reps. will give a brief introduction, using our opening day newspaper, as to what the BTU does, how to access your benefits, and so on. The remaining 2 1/2 hours are set aside by BTU contract to give you time to set up your classroom. You also get ‘credit’ towards your work year for an additional three hours spent on your own time, from 8/6/10 through 9/10/10. In other words, any time you spend preparing your classroom on non-school time during that time period will count towards the three hours required. With all of these changes, the school year (total hours) remains the same, and this is for this year only.