Open Letter to STAND for Children:
“We represent organizations across Massachusetts, including communities that STAND for Children now claims to represent. When a well-financed group like STAND for Children, backed by out-of-state and corporate money, arrives with a plan to “fix” our schools, but fails to consult with any of us or solicit our input, it raises deep concerns.”
“At a time when many of our organizations are struggling to provide essential services, or even to remain afloat, STAND spent more than $250,000 to essentially buy its way onto the November ballot – at $3 per signature – and still had enough money left to blanket the state with radio, television and newspaper ads.”
“We now learn that STAND is backed by corporate foundations connected to Walmart, Bain Capital and JP Morgan Chase, and that your ballot initiative would diminish community voice, strip teachers of their rights, all the while failing to deal with many of the real issues confronting our children.” |