New Contract Needs Community Input
Next year the Boston School Committee and the Boston Teachers Union will negotiate a new contract, and the BTU would like to hear now from our community stakeholders. Help us engage our community members by inviting them to open discussions about what teachers, students, parents and community members would like to see as priorities for the upcoming contract negotiations. Ideas and input are welcome! Please save the dates and share this flyer. Please contact Jessica Tang with questions.


Parents, students, and community leaders attended last night’s meeting in East Boston.

ELL Committee Meeting
Please join us on Tuesday, December 8 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the BTU

Restorative Justice Committee Meeting
Please join us on Monday, December 1 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the BTU

New Educator Underground
Join our New Educators Committee to unwind, get support, and meet other early career educators in the BTU! Please join us on Friday, December 11 at JP Seafood (730 Centre Street in JP). See the flyer for more information.

School Site Council: Unleash the Power
Interested in learning more about the power of the School Site Council? See all upcoming training sessions.

LGBTQ Safe Space Providers Needed
The BTU LGBTQ Committee is looking for people to identify themselves as safe space providers. We are building a network of educators that can support LGBTQ students, families and colleagues. Please fill out this Google form if you would like to be a designated as a safe space provider and receive resources to provide to students, families and colleagues as a support. Please email Jessica Tang with questions.