MEJA Week of Action on Charter Accountability
Keep an eye out each day this week on our BTU Facebook page for reports, images and articles to share with your network.
#KeeptheCap. Don’t forget to send it to us at Organizing DirectorJessica Tang.
Come out on Tuesday, October 13 after school to the State House (Gardner Auditorium) and give your testimony on how Commonwealth charter expansion would hurt all students in Boston through even greater cuts to school budgets. Please contact Political Director Angela Cristiani if interested.
Sign the petition to keep the cap on Commonwealth charters!
Related — Save the Date: What Can We Learn from New Orleans?!
Please plan to join us on Saturday, October 10 from 8:30 AM to 3 PM at Madison Park for our second annual Parent2Parent conference! The event features parents and educators sharing workshops of their choosing to build greater parent advocacy and engagement within our Boston community. Download flyers.
First New Educator Underground Social of the Year
Thursday, October 15 from 6-7:30 PM, location TBD
Tuesday, October 20 at The BTU
Tuesday, October 27 at 4:30 PM at the BTU