Published On: April 3, 2018

NEW — Share Your Thoughts on the K1 & K2 Rubric: April 24
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30 to share your thoughts on the Observational Assessment System. See the flyer.

Take the Teacher Climate Survey Today!
The Teacher Climate Survey is now open. This survey is designed by researchers at the Massachusetts Consortium for Innovative Education Assessment of which the BTU is a member and supporter. It is completely anonymous. BPS will not be able to see your email address nor be able to link your responses to your email address or employee ID. Your responses will be used to help you and the district understand and improve school climate. Please only complete the survey if you are a BPS teacher. If you have any questions about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Data and Accountability at 617-635-9450 or email with questions. Begin now!

Essentials Bright Spots
The Essentials are happening in your classrooms and we want to hear about it! Please visit to learn how to share your work with other teachers, and to get ideas for incorporating the Essentials into your school or classroom.

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