A coalition of housing advocates, grassroots and faith organizations, elected officials and aspiring homebuyers launched a campaign last week to create 1,000 affordable homes over the next five years in Boston through resources from developers and private institutions.

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance, Greater Boston Interfaith Organization and the Boston Teachers Union, the campaign is calling for the city to devote $40 million each year to affordable homeownership opportunities.

“We are in crisis. We’re fighting for the opportunity to have the safety and security only homeownership can provide,” said Acia Adams-Heath, a MAHA board member, to a crowd of more than 300 people at the Boston Teachers Union Hall in Dorchester last Tuesday. “[We are fighting] for the knowledge that we have roots, that we cannot be pushed out of our homes and neighborhoods by rent hikes or the sale of our apartments.”

Read the full article on the Bay State Banner website.