The broad outlines of the city’s BuildBPS plan are now widely known: new school buildings in West Roxbury, East Boston and Dorchester, the closure and/or re-use of six middle school buildings and one high school building currently shared by West Roxbury Academy and Urban Science Academy.
While Boston Public Schools interim Superintendent Laura Perille last month announced that the McCormack middle school may partner with a high school to keep its community intact, BPS officials are planning to break apart the two West Roxbury high school communities, sending students to schools said to have excess capacity.
The students aren’t going quietly.
In November, West Roxbury Academy (WRA) and Urban Science Academy (USA) students lobbied at City Hall, pressing councilors and their staff to support their efforts to keep their school communities intact. Last Friday, students trained their sights on the State House, appealing to lawmakers for support in advance of a Dec. 5 School Committee vote on the planned closure of their schools.