Published On: February 9, 2021
We hope you all are staying warm and safe in the midst of the snowy, chilly weather and today’s all remote half-day/snow day. Please remember that the BTU office is closed when BPS buildings are closed. During inclement whether, it is always best to call ahead in order to be sure you don’t go to the office when it is closed. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We were devastated to hear the news yesterday of the loss of Karen Lewis, former president of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). Karen was a legend in the labor and social justice educators movement, paving the way for unions like ours when it comes to fighting and organizing for not just education justice and our students, but also social, racial and economic justice for all. The 2012 CTU strike kicked off the #RedForEd movement, which we are still in the midst of today. It is particularly hurtful to lose such an inspiring exemplar of Black leadership during this month and following our Black Lives Matter week of action. Her inspiration and legacy will continue to reverberate across the nation for decades to come. Our hearts are with Karen’s family and the whole CTU community.

Thank you to everyone who participated in Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action last week. The showcase event, featuring a youth panel who shared powerful insights about why BLM at Schools matters to them, was an inspiring capstone to the week. You can check out all of the photos from the week of action in our Facebook BLM at School photo album. #BLMatBTU

Our next membership meeting will be TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 10 at 4:30 p.m. As usual, please register in advance. Quick reminders for registering: 

  • Please remember that you must register at least one hour in advance, or you will not receive a link.  
  • Each link is unique and cannot be shared.
  • Links are sent after your registration and membership status are verified – please do not register multiple times if you do not immediately receive a link.
  • Remember to include your exact BPS ID# in order to expedite approvals. If you are retired or don’t have an ID# for another reason, please enter “000000.”
  • Please make sure that you have updated your Zoom account with the latest update before the meeting in order to avoid complications with your link.
Building Reps: Please remember to fill out the reopening checklist as soon as possible if you haven’t yet done so. Also, please take this survey sent by BPS.

Our next BTU Family Forum will take place TONIGHT from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.  Register now! The program will include listening to families’ needs and concerns, identifying issues to advocate for together, and getting an update on school reopening. For more information, please contact Ilene Carver.

COVID Testing and Vaccinations Updates: 

Remember that benefit-eligible City employees can utilize one hour every 14 days for paid time off to get tested during their normal work hours. Please see the certification of testing form and find a mobile testing site on the City’s website. This one hour of paid time off can also be used for vaccinations as well, and the time off should be worked out with supervisors. To help with coverage for both COVID testing and vaccinations, school leaders can request two centrally-funded subs. The substitutes can help with coverage so that educators can get tested in the windows provided by the district.  

According to a meeting with BPS and BPHC, K-12 educators will not be eligible for vacccinations until at least March 1. We are working with the AFT-MA, MTA and MA AFL-CIO to expedite the availability of vaccines, particularly to educators and staff who have already been back in-person. A joint letter was sent to Secretary Sudders and we have other actions planned. Thank you, also, to English High teacher Katina McClain for representing on a joint NEA/AFT panel with the CDC this evening about reopening concerns.  

Air ventilation testing in classrooms began last week, and Field Rep Michael McLaughlin, as well as our independent air testing company, have been present as observers. Our staff have also attended several walkthroughs over the last two weeks and will continue to do so as needed. We appreciate the district’s responsiveness to these efforts. Please remember that if you have issues with the temperature in your rooms with the recommended one window open one to two inches and the door open, you should contact the Energy Office at (617) 635-8740.

The Acceptable Use Policy or “AUP” lists the rules and policies every student must follow when using BPS devices, computers, and networks. Given that remote learning and device use will continue to play a growing role within BPS, BPS Technology has developed the following videos breaking down these rules for different grade bands and audiences.

Please see this document of important dates for Paras in regards to staffing for 2021-2022.

Don’t Forget: What should the BTU ask candidates for Mayor and City Council?Please take 5 minutes to fill out the BTU Political Priorities Survey if you haven’t done so yet. This year we will have many important municipal and state-wide elections. Hearing from you is very important to our endorsement process!   

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