Published On: April 15, 2021
As shared and discussed at yesterday’s membership meeting, we are happy to notify everyone that we were able to come to an agreement with BPS on additional terms for the 4/26 five days in-person reopening coming up after break. High schools remain hybrid at this time. Unless changed in the new agreement or new DESE mandate, the previous MOA’s are all still in effect as well.

Please see the full 4/14 agreement. There are 13 points and they are fairly self explanatory, but if you do have questions, please do reach out your Building Rep, Field Rep or other BTU staff member.  Thank you to the Negotiating Team and Collective Bargaining Committee for their hard work on this agreement, as well as our member organizers who worked on the campaign plans.

The next step, as always, is implementation and enforcement. As one of the next steps, please feel free to share your concerns and questions on contact tracing in this form. We do need questions by the end of tomorrow, though. Per our new agreement, the questions will be shared with BPS as they create a new webinar to more fully explain the expectations and protocols in place for contact tracing. They will include as many of answers to the questions submitted as possible in the new webinar.

A few other quick updates:

-Here are the latest cleaning protocols from the district. The mist disinfectant will continue to be used on Wednesday evenings and Fridays.  
-Tents are supposed to arrive by 4/26, and the district has also ordered specialized seat/mats that can be used with the tents or in classrooms.
-Moving and storage of furniture will continue through this week and next week.

We are continuing to negotiate with BPS on the issues of COSE duties, compensatory services, nurse pool surveillance testing and other important issues regarding the reopening and will continue to work to resolve them as quickly as possible this week and over the break.

We hope everyone enjoys the much deserved April vacation and while there is no regularly scheduled bulletin for next week, we will continue to communicate as needed.

Still #InThisTogether,
BTU Officers and Staff 

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