Published On: August 31, 2022

This will be the last summer bulletin as we head into Labor Day weekend, September and the start of the new school year. We are writing with several important updates:

Our ratification vote for our master contract will be held on Wednesday, September 14 at 4:30 p.m. If you missed the information sessions, you can still review the tentative agreements and read the plain language summary. If you would like a video recording of the info session, please contact Daphne in our office. Per our by-laws and Executive Board policy, the meeting will be in-person and you must be present to vote. New membership cards are being mailed out this week.

On the 14th, we will also be holding our regularly scheduled membership meeting, which is on the second Wednesday of each month unless there is a holiday. Please note that there will be proposals for by-laws changes. There are two proposals that were approved by the Executive Board at the August meeting and require a 15 days notice to membership. These proposals were recommended by the Election Committee.

We are continuing negotiations on a number of topics, including COSE considerations and an updated safety agreement for the new school year (which will include an extension of the 10 days of leave for COVID-related illnesses). We will continue to keep everyone informed of those negotiations and will share more when we are able to. Thank you to the COSE and BTU school nurse reps for their leadership at these meetings!

Reminder: Primary Election Day is Tuesday, September 6. You can view a list of candidates who have been endorsed by BTU members as well as AFT-MA’s statewide endorsements for Governor and Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Auditor. Please email Political Director Johnny McInnis if you would like to volunteer or have questions.

We are sad to announce that our administrative assistant Matt Bouvier will be moving on to a new position at Harvard University. We are so grateful for all of his support over the last few years – particularly during the pandemic – and will miss his laughter and positive energy in our office. We will also miss his incredible singing voice; clearly the star of our staff video last year! Friday will be his last day at the BTU office.

Building Reps – please be sure to review the special Building Reps bulletin that went out last Friday. If you did not receive it, please contact Natalia to see what you missed. The bulletin includes updates and links to assist you with the first 30 minute meeting of the school year.

In case you missed it, we wanted to give a special shout out to both City on a Hill Charter School BTU members who ratified their newest contract at the start of this summer and to the BTU members at UP Academy Dorchester who were able to win a side letter that addresses many inequitable working conditions. It’s a testament to the power of organizing, mobilizing and unionizing!

Lastly, we are still advocating for additional supports and a thorough plan for students and staff in anticipation of challenges resulting from the MBTA closures.Please do try to add extra time to your commutes, use the commuter rail (free with a Charlie Card) and use alternate forms of transportation if possible. BPS and the City are still working on solutions and will share updates as they become available. Please check your BPS emails for those updates.

We look forward to seeing you at the BTU Hall on September 14, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.  Please remember to register in advance for childcare!

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