Restorative Justice Practices: Professional Learning Opportunities for PDPs!
Do you have questions about what Restorative Justice Practices are? Are you looking for opportunities to sharpen your circle conferencing skills? The Restorative Justice Organizing Committee of the BTU will be offering professional development opportunities for all educators and other interested individuals to answer these very questions. See the BTU website to download a flyer and for a registration link.
Special Inclusion Committee meeting
Please join us on Tuesday, January 6 from 4:30-6:30 PM with BPS head of Special Education Cindy Nielson. The inclusion committee is meeting to discuss BPS’ plan for inclusion and to give educators’ insight into how inclusion may work more effectively in our classrooms. Come participate and ask your questions! Note location change: BPS Bolling Building (2300 Washington Street), 4th floor. Please email Jonathan to RSVP.
What is the Future for Public Schools in Boston?
Save the Date: Thursday, January 14 from 6-8 PM at Madison Park. Join us for an emergency town hall to discuss:
- The Boston Compact and Enroll Boston
- School closures
- Charter ballot initiative’s impact on BPS
- School budgets
See the BTU website to download flyers and for more information. Thank you for helping us spread the word!