the Keynote Address by trailblazing activist Angela Davis.
The theme of this year’s breakfast was “Freedom Isn’t Free”, a message made all the more relevant by the concurrent proceedings at Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington D.C. While Dr. King’s legacy of justice, equity and equality was celebrated across the country, President Trump was passing executive orders which resumed his crusade against immigrant families started in 2016.
While the local implications of his promise to resume Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids are yet unclear, the BTU and AFT MA have collaborated on a joint statement which lays clear our commitment to protecting the right of all children to receive an education.
The statement reads in part: “As educators, we are focused on justice and equal opportunities for all students. We know firsthand that children cannot learn if they don’t feel safe. Raids take an emotional, psychological, and physical toll on our children and their families. If continued, they will have a chilling effect on our schools and communities.
“To the many families and children who may be living in fear right now: you are important, you matter, and you have rights. We are working to make sure our schools will remain safe spaces to learn and to go in times of need. We are here for you and we want you here.
“All children have a right to an education, no matter their immigration status. That right is protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal law prohibits anyone from attempting to restrict a child’s access to that education. Educators across the state and nation are ready to stand up and defend the rights and safety of their students.”
Rest assured, the BTU and our partners are closely monitoring federal developments and collaborating with local partners to protect our students, regardless of their immigration status.
Additional Important Updates:
The BTU has increasingly heard from members who are missing wages they have earned. And even more outrageous, the City of Boston recently changed their policy and is refusing to promptly make these employees whole. Therefore, the BTU filed an unfair labor practice charge yesterday at the MA Department of Labor Relations because of the City’s refusal to promptly pay BTU members wages they have earned.
Many of these employees are among the lowest paid, including substitutes and paraprofessionals. This is not only a violation of labor law, but a violation of the state Wage and Hour laws, so the BTU also informed the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General. If your paycheck was missing pay, even if it was later corrected, please complete this FORM.
Update on the use of internal forms for IEP meetings:
The BPS Office of Specialized Services is working to remedy the confusion caused by releasing a memo in late November instructing COSE and teachers to stop using internal forms when preparing for annual review IEP meetings. They are working to develop a consistent method and accompanying paperwork that will benefit all involved and are meeting with various groups to get feedback before releasing anything further.
In the meantime, educators are expected to submit drafted goals and objectives before the meeting and come to the meeting prepared to participate and discuss the student data you have collected. We will continue to keep you updated as we learn more.
The BTU Executive Board’s monthly meeting has been rescheduled from this Wednesday to next Wednesday on January 29th. |