Published On: January 23, 2025

Maintaining Momentum at Jan. 23rd Contract Negotiation Session

Educators at the Curley joined thousands of BTU members at every single school in the district for informational pickets on Jan. 16th to highlight the needs of students ahead of a negotiation session with BPS management that evening.

Dear Member,

Last week, our calls for educational justice echoed across Boston and beyond. BTU members at every single school across the city held an informational picket to highlight the needs of our students, the resources educators require to meet those needs,

and the district’s repeated failures to meet this moment.

Our collective voice has reached further than it has in years. Our collective voice has reached further than it has in years. Our fight for a fair contract was covered in the local media and our social media accounts (FacebookXInstagram) were seen by thousands of individuals who don’t follow our accounts and may not have been aware of the challenges our students with additional needs face or of the financial strife encountered by members on a daily basis.

Later that night, BPS Management introduced yet another concept regarding multiple licensure that in summary is: BPS could designate positions as requiring dual licensure, but no teacher serving students with under 150 minutes of Grid B services or 180 minutes of combined Grid B and C services will be required to obtain a moderate special needs license. Additionally, no dual licensed teacher would be the sole service provider for IEP services.

This is a significant evolution from BPS’s initial stance: under no circumstances was the district prepared to place any type of limit on how many general education teachers would be required to obtain and teach using additional special education licenses simultaneously. The BTU Negotiating team still has significant questions about the details and looks forward to further discussing the concept at upcoming sessions.

At last Thursday’s session, BPS also offered a recycled version of the same inadequate proposal that they made in June — a one year contract with no changes to working conditions, a 2% wage increase, and an additional $1 per hour for paraprofessionals. Our stance has not changed: educators, including paras, deserve to afford a stable life without having to work multiple jobs to make ends meet.

So, while our efforts are moving the needle, we have more work to do. That is why we need to show up in numbers at the negotiation session this Thursday Jan. 23rd at the BTU from 5-8 PM to show BPS that we are united and will not settle until we get a fair response. RSVP HERE!

School Closures and Mergers

BTU staff are continuing to attend meetings between BPS management and affected schools, as well as meeting directly with members at the schools designated for a closure or merger. Do not hesitate to contact the central office or your field rep for assistance. BTU President Erik Berg will be testifying at today’s School Committee meeting about the disruptive impact of these decisions and to advocate for the district to provide a clear explanation on how it intends to accommodate the impacted families and employees. The meeting is virtual, you can find more details on the city’s website.

The BTU is proud to have been one of the sponsors for the the 55th Annual Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Breakfast in Boston on Monday. More than a dozen members attended to honor Dr. King’s legacy and listen to
the Keynote Address by trailblazing activist Angela Davis.

The theme of this year’s breakfast was “Freedom Isn’t Free”, a message made all the more relevant by the concurrent proceedings at Donald Trump’s inauguration in Washington D.C. While Dr. King’s legacy of justice, equity and equality was celebrated across the country, President Trump was passing executive orders which resumed his crusade against immigrant families started in 2016.

While the local implications of his promise to resume Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids are yet unclear, the BTU and AFT MA have collaborated on a joint statement which lays clear our commitment to protecting the right of all children to receive an education.

The statement reads in part: “As educators, we are focused on justice and equal opportunities for all students. We know firsthand that children cannot learn if they don’t feel safe. Raids take an emotional, psychological, and physical toll on our children and their families. If continued, they will have a chilling effect on our schools and communities.

“To the many families and children who may be living in fear right now: you are important, you matter, and you have rights. We are working to make sure our schools will remain safe spaces to learn and to go in times of need. We are here for you and we want you here.

“All children have a right to an education, no matter their immigration status. That right is protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal law prohibits anyone from attempting to restrict a child’s access to that education. Educators across the state and nation are ready to stand up and defend the rights and safety of their students.”

Rest assured, the BTU and our partners are closely monitoring federal developments and collaborating with local partners to protect our students, regardless of their immigration status.

Additional Important Updates:

The BTU has increasingly heard from members who are missing wages they have earned. And even more outrageous, the City of Boston recently changed their policy and is refusing to promptly make these employees whole.  Therefore, the BTU filed an unfair labor practice charge yesterday at the MA Department of Labor Relations because of the City’s refusal to promptly pay BTU members wages they have earned.

Many of these employees are among the lowest paid, including substitutes and paraprofessionals. This is not only a violation of labor law, but a violation of the state Wage and Hour laws, so the BTU also informed the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General. If your paycheck was missing pay, even if it was later corrected, please complete this FORM.

Update on the use of internal forms for IEP meetings:

The BPS Office of Specialized Services is working to remedy the confusion caused by releasing a memo in late November instructing COSE and teachers to stop using internal forms when preparing for annual review IEP meetings. They are working to develop a consistent method and accompanying paperwork that will benefit all involved and are meeting with various groups to get feedback before releasing anything further.

In the meantime, educators are expected to submit drafted goals and objectives before the meeting and come to the meeting prepared to participate and discuss the student data you have collected. We will continue to keep you updated as we learn more.


The BTU Executive Board’s monthly meeting has been rescheduled from this Wednesday to next Wednesday on January 29th.

Educators at the BINCA picketing last Thursday
Educators at the Sarah Greenwood picketing last Thursday.

A Message from the BTU Election Committee:

Thank you to our panelists for your help and making our Candidate Q&A night a success! Nominations will be open until March 12th at 6pm. We have created a place that houses all documents for the Election Committee. This document includes the job responsibilities of each position, the timeline, directions for online nominations, etc. Please find all documents HERE.

You may contact ombudsperson Danielle Fraine with questions or concerns at electioncommittee@btu.orgNext meeting is January 27th at 5:00 pm at the BTU. Members are welcome to attend and ask questions during the first 15 minutes of the meetings. Contact with any questions about your membership status.

BPS management asked the BTU Negotiating Team on Jan. 16th to agree to a one-year wage deal while both sides continue to negotiate over the remaining working conditions. The BTU Negotiating Team rejected their proposal.
This is a list of the BTU proposals which were outright rejected by BPS management during the informational picket on Jan.16th

BTU Events and Announcements

BTU Lunar New Year Celebration: Thursday, January 30th, 4:30-6:30PM

The Boston Teachers Union is hosting our annual Lunar New Year celebration on Thursday, January 30, 2025 from 4:30-6:30pm at the BTU. Join us for games, food, and celebrations of different Lunar New Year traditions. Please register yourself and any guests you plan to bring.

Haitian Educators Committee Meeting: January 27th, 5:30-7:00pm Please join us for our monthly meeting in-person at BTU 180 Mt. Vernon St. Boston, MA 02125 on Monday January 27th, at 5:30 pm. We will have a lot to discuss. Please arrive on time and ready to participate. For any questions contact Bianca Pierre at

School Site Council Training: Zoom 5:30 to 7pm on January 13th & 27th

There will be a new School Site Council zoom training about forming & running Personnel Subcommittees for hiring teacher bargaining unit members. All such hires must go through this process from September through the end of the school year. Empower your input by learning this process. Questions can be directed to ccarew@btu.orgCheck out this link to learn more and to register!

Elevating the Teaching Profession and Celebrating our NBCTs- January 22nd on Zoom

We will celebrate new and current NBCTs and engage with a panel about the power of the National Board process. Participants will also learn about NBPTS resources that can help schools bolster PD and raise the standard of teaching school-wide, ways NBCTs can connect with new roles, and new resources to support potential candidates to pursue National Board Certification. More details hereYou can also check out this flyer!

BTU Labor Fellowship with Fund for Teachers: Deadline Jan 23rd!

We will award one fellowship to a BTU member or team whose application focuses on the theme of labor history, labor studies, and/or unionism. Interested applicants should design their application and choose destinations that will allow them to connect the rich history and present of labor organizing and activism to their lives and their students. This fellow will also present their learning with the BTU. There are plenty of resources available to support your application. Check out the Fund for Teachers Online Learning Center for resources. There are many online info sessions with weekly sessions specifically for educators of color. Support and mentoring for your application are also available from BTU peers. Please contact Paul Tritter to get connected.

Unafraid Educators January Meeting – 1/27 at 4:30pm Please join us on Zoom for our next Unafraid Educators Meeting! We are the BTU’s Immigrant Rights Organizing Committee, and work to support our Undocumented students and families. Please click here to join on Zoom!

Housing and Immigrant Justice Panel at the BTU: January 28th 5:30-7pm You are invited to a panel about the relationship between immigration and the housing crisis. This panel will feature speakers from the Haitian Educators Committee, and the Housing Justice Committee, to discuss solutions to the housing crisis, and make clear that Haitian immigrants, and all other immigrant community members, are not the culprits for the housing crisis that we face. Register here to attend.

RETELL/SEI Endorsement Courses

BPS OMME will be holding courses for Rethinking Equity in the Teaching of English Language Learners (RETELL) / SEI Endorsement Teachers beginning in late January. Courses will be held remotely via Zoom. Please use this form to sign up.

2025 Telescope Leading & Learning Survey: Complete before Feb. 28

Share your ideas. Influence future PD offerings. Connect to learning & leading opportunities. Complete the 4-8 min survey before 2/28 to enter a 20 x $20 gift card raffle. (open to all BPS educators)

BTU Children’s Party: Wednesday, February 19th, 11am – 1pm

The annual BTU Children’s Party will be held on Wednesday, February 19th from 11am – 1pm at the BTU. Join us for a fun afternoon and don’t forget to use the link to sign up!

More Native Language Resources for English Language Learners campaign from St. Stephen’s Parents

St. Stephen’s Youth Programs is working with families and community supporters on the More Native Language Resources for English Language Learners campaign to improve education for Multilingual Learners in BPS. St. Stephen’s is aiming for 1,000 signatures from BPS families and supporters this month—sign today!


Para Pro Test

Boston Public Schools supports preparing candidates to take the ParaPro Assessment

and start their journey to becoming paraprofessionals in our classrooms. The ParaPro Assessment tests general aptitude and assesses math, writing, and reading skills. Participants in these test prep classes will gain study skills and access to online resources to prepare for the test. Learn more here

Retirement Planning Seminar for Teachers and Paraprofessionals: Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the BTU Hall from 4:30-6:30pm

Is it time to finally retire? How much do I have in my pension account at this point? Can I retire before getting my 80%? Is it worth waiting? Please join us to get some of these questions answered at the Retirement Planning Seminar for both Teachers and Paraprofessionals!

Check out the full list of offerings during the 2025 Black Lives Matter at Schools Week!
Educators at the Guild picketing during last Thursday’s city-wide actions!

Professional Learning & Development Updates

Each week, we have many new and exciting Professional Learning & Development opportunities to share with you. You can find a full description of each listing on our Professional Learning & Development Updates Page.

  • AFT Member Benefit Virtual Workshops
  • Degree Completion
  • Early Childhood Inclusive Education PD Series
  • Telescope – Connect & Share: “Orton Gillingham Across Various Contexts”, January 22, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Early Childhood Illustrative Math Learning Site: Feb 4, 8:00-2:30
  • Teach for Climate Justice: An Experiential Retreat for Educators to the Bribri Territories of Costa Rica this summer!
  • World Language Learning Site: Feb 11 or 12, full day
  • Connect & Share Sessions on “Access to Fishtank for Multilingual Learners”: Feb 6 & Mar 11, 5:30-7:00pm
  • 2025 Telescope Leading & Learning Survey
From Left to Right: BTU Political Director Johnny McInnis, BTU President Erik Berg, 15th Suffolk State Rep. Sam Montano, Boston City Councilor Ben Weber, and AFT MA President Jessica Tang (holding her son Dougie) joined the informational pickets at the Curley School on Jan. 16th

Community Events

Join the MA Youth Climate Coalition Lobby Week – February 2025

Join the Massachusetts Youth Climate Coalition as they lobby directly (in person and virtually) with legislators to fight for state-level climate justice policy during the MYCC Youth Climate Lobby Week (week of 2/10/25). Training provided. This is a great opportunity to get students directly involved in climate advocacy work! More information here.

Participatory Budget Voting and Youth Organizing: Available through Feb. 15th Youth Justice and Power Union invites educators to support students in voting in the newly released participatory budget cycle to decide how $2 million will be spent! Online voting is open from January 15 to February 15 and we want to help your students participate. If you’re interested in incorporating PB into your classroom, we’re here to support: Please sign up here if interested or contact Sukhai at

BTU in the News

Here is a collection of all of the press coverage from January 16th’s Informational Pickets!

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