Published On: January 29, 2025

Negotiation Updates: BTU secures some wins, but fight continues for Inclusion Done Right and Fair Wages

Dear Member,

We have been fighting for a new fair contract for 11 months, and working under an expired one for close to five. In a fight this long, it can be easy to lose sight of the progress we’ve made together towards reaching our goals of securing an agreement that guarantees concrete changes to improve the education of students and working conditions of educators.

Ever since thousands of members stood together on Jan. 16th to hold informational pickets on the state of negotiations, there’s been movement on key issues at the negotiating table and a strengthening of participation in our collective fate.

Last week, the BTU met with BPS management for two sessions on January 23rd and 24th. On Jan 23rd. session, about 1/3 of the 120 people who attended were participating in a negotiation session for the first time. That is our power. Despite the lengthy negotiations, we have our solidarity and numbers to continue to produce a level of engagement necessary to sustain our fight and remind BPS that we will continue to be engaged as long as this process plays out.

Over these two negotiating sessions, the BTU reached two significant tentative agreements with district management. The first agreement changes how the district considers prior experience for school nurses.

Under this TA, school nurses will receive salary credit for their prior hospital and clinical experience based on how the medical field tabulates those hours. This development will give incoming and existing school nurses more credit for their previous experiences towards their BPS salary lanes.

The second agreement pertains to Supervisors of Attendance. For Years, the BTU has been fighting for SOA’s to be properly paid for their extended work year. Now, that will happen. Under this TA, SOA’s will work 9 days beyond the traditional 183 day work year and receive a 5 percent differential in pay. Finally, the additional hours they commit to the district will be compensated.

Those are the highlights, but the issue of wages still remains. Last Thursday, BPS management said that it has quote “Gone as far as it can go” with its proposal of a 2 percent wage increase for all units and a 4/hr increase for paraprofessionals over the course of a three-year contract.

With that proposal, the starting wage for paraprofessionals for SY’ 25-25 would be just over $32,000. If you’ve ever paid rent in Boston, or the greater Boston area, you know that does not come close to providing our lowest paid members the ability to sustain themselves without taking on other jobs. That is one of our major priorities: to secure a contract which allows our lowest-paid members to continue to dedicate their time to BPS and its students without having to thrash their legs under the surface just to tread water.

The BTU and BPS also revisited the district’s policy of requiring general education teachers to obtain additional special education licenses and perform the work of multiple educators. There was progress but nothing major to report and it will be visited again when we resume negotiations in February. If you’re interested in catching up on the state of inclusive education negotiations, check out last week’s bulletin.

We have also made progress in securing a guarantee from the district that it will provide the work and pay schedules for new employees by the start of the school year. For months, district management has insisted it cannot provide this information but following BTU advocacy it appears that educators will soon have a clearer picture of their work status at the start of each school year.

Federal and State Policy

Last week, we shared excerpts of the BTU and AFT MA’s response to the Trump Administration’s announcement that it will increase immigration enforcement and potentially target individuals at previously protected institutions such as schools. We have updated the statement, which you can read in full here

On a state level, Governor Maura Healey released her budget proposal for this fiscal year last week. The headlines state that she’s increasing education funding across the board. While technically true, the devil is in the details. Governor Healey’s proposal would actually result in a net loss of $6 million for BPS. Our city’s enrollment is stabilizing and BPS serves more students with additional needs and ELL requirements than any other district in the state. How does it make sense then for Boston to be targeted by cuts, especially when our Governor pledged to be a champion for education during her campaign?

The BTU is deeply concerned by this budget proposal and will work with legislators in the state House and Senate to ensure that BPS students receive the support they deserve.

Additional Important Updates:

The BTU has increasingly heard from members who are missing wages they have earned. And even more outrageous, the City of Boston recently changed their policy and is refusing to promptly make these employees whole. Therefore, the BTU filed an unfair labor practice charge last week at the MA Department of Labor Relations because of the City’s refusal to promptly pay BTU members wages they have earned.

Many of these employees are among the lowest paid, including substitutes and paraprofessionals. This is not only a violation of labor law, but a violation of the state Wage and Hour laws, so the BTU also informed the office of the Massachusetts Attorney General. If your paycheck was missing pay, even if it was later corrected, please complete this FORM. We have a follow-up on the landmark passage of the WEP/GPO legislation during President Biden’s final days in office. For a comprehensive explanation of that provision’s impact, read more here!

The BTU Executive Board’s monthly meeting has been rescheduled from this Wednesday to next Wednesday on January 29th.

A Message from the BTU Election Committee:

Nominations are open, get your signatures in!

You can find Election Committee resources HERE

You may contact ombudsperson Danielle Fraine with questions or concerns at electioncommittee@btu.orgNext meeting is January 27th at 5:00 pm at the BTU. Members are welcome to attend and ask questions during the first 15 minutes of the meetings. Contact with any questions about your membership status.

During the negotiation sessions on January 23rd & 24rd, BPS management said it could not offer a more reasonable wage offer unless the BTU made major concessions. Their latest offer would raise the starting wage for paras to just offer $32,000 during the first year of the contract.

BTU Events and Announcements

BTU Lunar New Year Celebration: Thursday, January 30th, 4:30-6:30PM

The Boston Teachers Union is hosting our annual Lunar New Year celebration on Thursday, January 30, 2025 from 4:30-6:30pm at the BTU. Join us for games, food, and celebrations of different Lunar New Year traditions. Please register yourself and any guests you plan to bring.

School Site Council Training: Zoom 5:30 to 7pm on January 13th & 27th

There will be a new School Site Council zoom training about forming & running Personnel Subcommittees for hiring teacher bargaining unit members. All such hires must go through this process from September through the end of the school year. Empower your input by learning this process. Questions can be directed to ccarew@btu.orgCheck out this link to learn more and to register!

Housing and Immigrant Justice Panel at the BTU: January 28th 5:30-7pm You are invited to a panel about the relationship between immigration and the housing crisis. This panel will feature speakers from the Haitian Educators Committee, and the Housing Justice Committee, to discuss solutions to the housing crisis, and make clear that Haitian immigrants, and all other immigrant community members, are not the culprits for the housing crisis that we face. Register here to attend.

Job Share Meeting: TOMORROW, 5:30 to 6:30 on Zoom Are you interested in Job Sharing Next Year? Then join representatives from the BTU and BPS for an informational seminar on Zoom this Wednesday to learn more about the process. Register here!

If you’re interested in job-sharing opportunities, then register for tomorrow’s event here!
2025 Telescope Leading & Learning Survey: Complete before Feb. 28

Share your ideas. Influence future PD offerings. Connect to learning & leading opportunities. Complete the 4-8 min survey before 2/28 to enter a 20 x $20 gift card raffle. (open to all BPS educators)

BTU Children’s Party: Wednesday, February 19th, 11am – 1pm

The annual BTU Children’s Party will be held on Wednesday, February 19th from 11am – 1pm at the BTU. Join us for a fun afternoon and don’t forget to use the link to sign up!

More Native Language Resources for English Language Learners campaign from St. Stephen’s Parents

St. Stephen’s Youth Programs is working with families and community supporters on the More Native Language Resources for English Language Learners campaign to improve education for Multilingual Learners in BPS. St. Stephen’s is aiming for 1,000 signatures from BPS families and supporters this month—sign today!

Para Pro Test

Boston Public Schools supports preparing candidates to take the ParaPro Assessment

and start their journey to becoming paraprofessionals in our classrooms. The ParaPro Assessment tests general aptitude and assesses math, writing, and reading skills. Participants in these test prep classes will gain study skills and access to online resources to prepare for the test. Learn more here

Retirement Planning Seminar for Teachers and Paraprofessionals: Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the BTU Hall from 4:30-6:30pm

Is it time to finally retire? How much do I have in my pension account at this point? Can I retire before getting my 80%? Is it worth waiting? Please join us to get some of these questions answered at the Retirement Planning Seminar for both Teachers and Paraprofessionals! The Bilingual Educator/Accelerated Community to Teacher Program open now to April 11th The Bilingual Educator/Accelerated Community to Teacher Program (BE/ACTT) is a no-cost, in-district, multigenerational, community-based teacher preparation program. We encourage BPS paras and substitutes who wish to become teachers to apply! SY25-26 Applications are now live! Contact Ivelisse Santos-Hicks with questions:

Check out the full list of offerings during the 2025 Black Lives Matter at Schools Week!

Professional Learning & Development Updates

Each week, we have many new and exciting Professional Learning & Development opportunities to share with you. You can find a full description of each listing on our Professional Learning & Development Updates Page.

  • Early Childhood Illustrative Math Learning Site: Feb 4, 8:00-2:30
  • Teach for Climate Justice: An Experiential Retreat for Educators to the Bribri Territories of Costa Rica this summer!
  • World Language Learning Site: Feb 11 or 12, full day
  • Connect & Share Sessions on “Access to Fishtank for Multilingual Learners”: Feb 6 & Mar 11, 5:30-7:00pm
  • 2025 Telescope Leading & Learning Survey

Thank You for Reading

Please send your comments and questions to us at, or call the BTU at 617-288-2000.

Sign up for our weekly eBulletins here!

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