Published On: June 8, 2023

We are writing to share the results of the 2023 BTU Officers, Field Reps, Political Director, Executive Board, Para Council, RTC and Delegate Elections. Voting concluded at 6 p.m. this evening, with a total of 2,089 member votes.

Election Results:

President: Jessica Tang (BTU Office) 1,786; 99.17%

Executive Vice President: Erik Berg (BTU Office) 1,698; 99.59%

Secretary Treasurer: Karen Cross (Murphy K-8) 1,199; 63.11%

Trevour Smith (Boston Latin School) 693; 36.47%

Political Director: Johnny McInnis (BTU Office) 1,741; 99.7%

Elementary Field Representative: Lea Antoinette Serena (BTU Office) 709; 99.72%

Secondary Field Representative: Caren Carew (BTU Office) 752; 98.95%

Paraprofessional/Substitute & ABA Field Representative: Colleen Hart (BTU Office) 264; 99.25%

RTC Chair: Marilyn Marion (Retired) 975; 99.49%

RTC Vice-Chair: Roz Avant (Retired) 947; 99.58%

RTC Treasurer: Mae Bishop (Retired) 944; 99.89%

RTC Secretary: Joan Devlin (Retired) 961; 99.79%

Executive Board
1. Brenda Chaney (Retired) 1159
2. James (Timo) Philip (Retired) 1048
3. Michael Maguire (Boston Latin Academy) 1041
4. Alice M Yong (Retired) 1010
5. Robert P Carroll (Retired) 809
6. Allison Doherty (Fenway High School) 710
7. Caitlin Gaffny (Tobin, Maurice K-8) 687
8. CasSandra Samuel (Curley K-8) 658
9. Nicole Mullen (Boston Arts Academy) 601
10. Matthew Ruggiero (Charlestown High School) 598
11. Cecil Carey (Charlestown High) 593
12. Kafunda Banks (ABA Special Ed) 582

Danielle West (Curley K-8) 552
A. Vanessa LaRocque (Madison Park) 527
Keisha Lewis (Fenway High School) 467
Maria Brooks (Mather Elementary) 446
Michelle Carroll (O’Donnell Elementary) 444
Tracy Doyle (Perry K-8) 392
Tracy Romain (Chittick Elementary) 324

Paraprofessional Council
CasSandra Samuel (Curley K-8) 157
Vanessa LaRocque (Madison Park) 146
Christine Buttiglieri (Retired) 126
Adrianne Jordan (Sumner Elementary) 123
Debra Brown (Kenny Elementary) 122
Sharon O`Dwyer (Lee, Joseph K-8) 121
Todd Kerr (Coverage Para) 120
Mary Thomas (Curley K-8) 106
Sau “Kitty” Yip (Quincy, Josiah Elem) 106
Bianca Pierre (Beethoven)103
Tracy Romain (Chittick Elementary) 100
Cynthia Ferris (Perry K-8) 99
Sacha Ruiz (Fenway High School) 98

Jessica Tang (BTU Office) 1066
Caren Carew (BTU Office) 1025
Brenda Chaney (Retired) 899
Erik Berg (BTU Office) 898
Alice M Yong (Retired) 832
James (Timo) Philip (Retired) 802
Michael Maguire (Boston Latin School) 781
Karen Cross (Murphy K-8) 753
Thomas Gosnell (Retired) 750
Johnny Mcinnis (BTU Office) 698
Marilyn Marion (Retired) 663
Mary Ann Urban (Retired) 645
Robert P Carroll (Retired) 614
Betsy Drinan (Retired) 605
Colleen Hart (BTU Office) 603
Roz Avant (Retired) 599
Joan Devlin (Retired) 578
Charles Johnson (Retired) 538
Mae Bishop (Retired) 533
Paul Tritter (BTU Office) 494
Allison Doherty (Fenway High School) 479
Trevour Smith (Boston Latin School) 478
Maritza Agrait (Retired) 473
Josephina Lascano (Retired) 443
CasSandra Samuel (Curley K-8) 438
Caitlin Gaffny (Tobin, Maurice K-8) 428
Cecil Carey (Charlestown High) 425
Paul Tenney (Retired) 420
Lea-Antoinette Serena (BTU Office) 397
Gayle Marrow (Retired) 392
Denise Berkley (Retired) 388
Sherry Pedrone (Retired) 388
Matthew Ruggiero (Charlestown H.S.) 380
John Simonetti (Retired) 378
Kafunda Banks (ABA Special Ed) 372
Marjie Crosby (Retired) 368
Christine Buttiglieri (Retired) 360
Natalia Cuadra-Saez (BTU Office) 350
Michael Crain (Retired) 349
Vanessa R LaRocque (Madision Park) 345
Kristen Pinto (Retired) 343
Nicole Mullen (Boston Arts Academy) 339
Karen M Wood (Boston Latin) 317
Kimvy Nguyen (SpED Svcs Coordinator) 317
Keisha Lewis (Fenway High School) 316
Danielle West (Curley K-8) 308
Catherine O`Flaherty (Boston Latin) 304
Diane Crain (Retired) 303
Jose Valenzuela (Boston Latin School) 293
Nora Paul-Schultz (O`Bryant H.S.) 289
Teresa Underwood (Retired) 288
Lucinda Mills (Counseling Service) 286
Darren Wells (Trotter K-8) 280
Thomas Hocker (Retired) 278
Regina Temple (Retired) 273
Michelle Carroll (O`Donnell Elem) 267
Teresa Reaves (Retired) 264
Dana Royster-Buefort (Retired) 259
Layla Cable (Retired) 254
Maria Brooks (Mather Elementary) 254
Erica Kouka (BTU Office) 253
Paul Christian Jr (O`Bryant) 244
Sylvaine Lestrade (Trotter K-8) 241
Katina McClain (BTU Office) 239
Adrianne Jordan (Sumner Elementary) 235
Debra Brown (Kenny Elementary) 232
Carla Johnson (Shaw Elementary) 229
Tatiana Williams-Rodriquez (Boston Latin) 221
Danielle Fraine (ABA Special Ed) 202
James Cordero (East Boston High) 198
John Enright (Madison Park) 193
Declan Power (Succeed Boston) 193
Tim Maher (New Mission High School) 191
Sharon O`Dwyer (Lee, Joseph K-8) 188
Todd Kerr (BTU School) 180
Bianca Pierre (Beethoven) 179
Tracy Romain (Chittick Elementary) 176
Noah Patel (Roosevelt Upper) 175
Amrita Dani (Teaching & Learning (Elem)) 163
Claude James Jr. (Madison Park H.S.) 161
Christine Gorman-Arnold (Sumner Elem) 158
Ivelisse Santo-Hicks (New Mission H.S.) 158
Karen Kilmain-Patriquin (Sumner Elem) 155
Jukurious Davis (Teaching & Learning (Elem)) 152
Stephanie Wing (Gardner Pilot Acad) 149
Mary Bell (Mattahunt Elementary) 148
Heather King (Orchard Gardens K-8) 148
Marta Johnson Faldasz (Roosevelt Lower) 147
Josette Teneus (Charlestown High) 145
Randi Davis (Gardner Pilot Academy) 144
Nina Lessin-Joseph (Holmes Elementary) 140
Amy Gebo (Lee Academy Pilot School) 139
James Kennedy (Muniz, Margarita Acad) 134
Suzanne Mcglone (Hennigan, James W. K-8) 134
Molly Bryson (Succeed Boston) 125
Katie Mallon (Holmes Elementary) 124
Samantha Weintraub (Sumner Elem) 121
Cynthia Ferris (Perry, Oliver Hazard K-8) 117
Chelsea Ruscio (Dudley St. Charter School) 113
Elisa Sota (Mather Elementary) 111
Samantha Laney (Holmes Elementary) 93
Connor Echols-Jones (Perkins Elem) 78

If you have any questions on the elections or voting, please reach out to the BTU Election Committee.

The BTU is also extremely grateful to the Election Committee for all their hard work and dedication to organizing this year’s election – our election would not be possible without their committment and volunteer time.

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone who courageously ran and took the time to participate in our democracy. Congratulations to also all those who will be serving in union leadership positions. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote – our union is stronger because of your participation!

On behalf of the BTU Officers and Staff,
Jessica Tang, BTU President

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