Published On: February 25, 2025

Marathon Negotiation Sessions with BPS lead to progress on inclusive education

BTU members across the district held standouts across the city on February 13th calling on the district to show some love to students and settle a contract which provides the resources they need to thrive!
Good morning and welcome back to school! We hope you were able to rest, recuperate and stay warm during this recent bout of New England winter. A lot has occurred since our last bulletin on February 11th, so keep reading for important updates on the state of negotiations and our next planned contract action.

We are approaching a milestone at the end of this week: Saturday will officially be the one year anniversary of the start of contract negotiations between the BTU and BPS management.

BTU members have been working under an expired contract for close to 200 days. That’s 200 days without a wage increase while inflation grows, 200 days without a pathway to an equitable and sustainable inclusive education model, 200 days of uncertainty within an already rapidly shifting educational landscape in this country.

It’s time we put that uncertainty to rest and secure a contract that uplifts students and secures the resources educators need to help them thrive. At the February 12 BTU membership meeting, the membership voted unanimously to demonstrate at the Mayor’s State of the City address in March if we haven’t reached a tentative agreement on a new contract by that time.  We will keep you posted once a final date and location for the speech is announced. This is one of the most high-profile events on the mayor’s annual schedule, and an opportunity for BTU educators to send a message directly to the mayor.

In a city with a mayor-appointed school committee, it is the mayor who has the final word when it comes to settling a collective bargaining agreement. We need to make sure Mayor Wu and the entire city witnesses a sea of BTU educators united behind our contract proposal fighting for a better BPS.

The BTU will have buses departing from the BTU hall, as well as locations in East Boston and West Roxbury. We will provide the exact addresses and times of departure in the coming weeks.

Once the date is finalized, we will have a short amount of time to reach out to every BTU member, friend, family member, neighbor and community ally to secure a commitment to join our fight.

Every time we have taken action since September, the needle has moved at the bargaining table. The past week proved once again that our voices and activism have the power to create significant change. We negotiated four long days during the vacation week, totaling 33 hours of meetings, including a 10-hour session on Sunday. By the weekend, we reached an agreement in concept that the BPS will no longer require permanent general education teacher in grades K2-12 to obtain a special education license or face excessing. Furthermore, no additional general education positions after this hiring season will be posted as requiring dual licensure.

While last week’s agreement represents progress, the BTU team is continuing to fight for enforceable written requirements that guarantee supports for teachers and students in general education classrooms.

Additionally, the big issue left to discuss at the bargaining table is the issue of wages. So far, management has proposed a general wage increase of just 2%, despite spikes in inflation over the last several years. For paras, management is proposing an additional $2 per hour in the last two years of the contract. While this would be a step in the right direction, the starting wage for paras by the end of the contract in 2027 would still only be around $37,000. This is not a living wage for our paras, many of whom are single mothers.

That is why it is critical to show up at the State of the City demonstration so we can move this contract settlement across the finish line together with an agreement that meets the needs of our educators, our students, and our city.

March 4th Actions to Protect Our Students from Cuts to Federal Funding

BTU members will march forth as a part of nationwide actions by powerful coalitions of educator unions, families, students and community groups to protect our students under looming attack of abrupt cuts to federal funding. These cuts may affect crucial poverty-targeted Title I funds and special education services through IDEA. Send a letter to your congressional representation here to support federal funding for education. Our allies are also looking for powerful stories on the real-life impact of these funds on students, educators and families— share your story here.

BTU Endorses Elissa Cadillic for Boston Retirement Board

The BTU and the Retired Teachers Chapter (RTC) proudly endorse Elissa Cadillic as a candidate in the Special Election for the Boston Retirement Board. The Boston Retirement Board administers benefits to all retired City of Boston employees, oversees an investment fund, and decides whether to approve Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) for retirees.

Elissa has served as president for AFSCME local 1526, Boston Public Library Employees Union, for 25 years.

She has also served as a Board President for the Massachusetts Coalition for Occupational Safety & Health and has received numerous awards for her leadership within the labor movement over the course of her career. Eligible voters should receive a ballot on March 11th and can submit their vote until April 11th. There is also an electronic voting option.

We strongly urge all members to use their voice and vote as the Retirement Board recently rejected an increase to COLA for retirees. Support your retired colleagues and protect your future retirement!

We would like to thank the Ironworkers Local 7 and their president Frank Murray for hosting a free school supply drive at their union hall on Sunday. The Ironworkers distributed thousands of dollars worth of free supplies to local kids, families and teachers. We appreciate the support!

Open to all teachers and paras! Registration Here
Open to all teachers and paras! Registration Here

A Message from the BTU Election Committee:

Nominations are open, get your signatures in! Nominations close on March 12th at 6pm.

All potential candidates should review the Election Committee Campaigning Rule and Procedures HERE.

Please find label printing prices from the BTU HERE

All Election Committee resources HERE

You may contact ombudsperson Danielle Fraine with questions or concerns at Next meeting is February 24th at 5:00 pm at the BTU. Members are welcome to attend and ask questions during the first 15 minutes of the meetings. Contact with any questions about your membership status.

Check out the BTU’s registration page to reserve your spot at our 2025 Family2Family Conference!

BTU Events and Announcements


2025 Telescope Leading & Learning Survey: Complete before Feb. 28

Share your ideas. Influence future PD offerings. Connect to learning & leading opportunities. Complete the 4-8 min survey before 2/28 to enter a 20 x $20 gift card raffle. (open to all BPS educators)

Telescope Trivia: February 28th, 4:00-7:30pm, Long Live Roxbury

The Telescope Network and the BTU are hosting a TRIVIA NIGHT & SOCIAL for all BPS educators to connect. There will be light snacks provided and a cash bar for drinks! Join on your own or bring a team. RSVP Here

Register to attend the 2025 BTU Women’s Rights Committee Glass Ceiling Awards Jazz Brunch!
School Site Council Personnel Subcommittee Training: Zoom, March 3rd

This session focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the SSC in selecting a Personnel Subcommittee to hire school staff; and provides support to ensure that the subcommittee works effectively. Here is a link to the flyer and you can also directly register. For Questions, contact:

Pamelia Bailey, Executive Director –

Caren Carew, Secondary Field Representative –

BTU Movie Night “Counted Out”: Friday, March 14th, 5-7PM

The BTU will be hosting a Movie Night on Pi Day! Join us to watch the film “Counted Out.” “Counted Out” shows us the power of math in our society, our economy, and our democracy. Who holds that power? Who doesn’t? And how can we all speak the language of math to fully participate in a world that belongs to everyone? Join us for the film screening and snacks on Friday, March 14, 2025 from 7-9PM at the BTU!

BPS Educators of Color peer Mentoring: Begins March 17th

The Telescope Network has offered to facilitate a mentoring space for EOC Paraprofessionals as part of their larger work! The pilot mentoring program would start March 17th. Telescope will facilitate affinity group spaces where EOC mentees can explore strategies to navigate the unique challenges of being an educator of color. Together, you will reflect on how the intersections of identity can foster culturally sustaining practices that empower both educators and students. RSVP here

Retirement Planning Seminar for Teachers and Paraprofessionals: Thursday, March 20, 2025 at the BTU Hall from 4:30-6:30pm

Is it time to finally retire? How much do I have in my pension account at this point? Can I retire before getting my 80%? Is it worth waiting? Please join us to get some of these questions answered at the Retirement Planning Seminar for both Teachers and Paraprofessionals!


March 22nd Women’s Rights Committee Glass Ceiling Awards Brunch

The BTU’s Women’s Rights Committee is hosting its annual Glass Ceiling Awards where it will honor Boston City Council President Ruthzee Louijeune and journalist Latoyia Edwards. The event is from 12 to 2 at the BTU Hall, please register if you plan to attend

39th Statewide Para/PSRP conference March 29th at BTU 8:30 to 3:30

Join AFT Massachusetts and the Boston Teachers Union on Saturday, March 29, 2025  for the Para/PSRP Conference! This year’s conference is centered around us Moving Forward Together. Register to attend here!


The Bilingual Educator/Accelerated Community to Teacher Program open now to April 11th

The Bilingual Educator/Accelerated Community to Teacher Program (BE/ACTT) is a no-cost, in-district, multigenerational, community-based teacher preparation program. We encourage BPS paras and substitutes who wish to become teachers to apply! SY25-26 Applications are now live! Contact Ivelisse Santos-Hicks with questions:

The Teacher Leadership Fund: What challenge do you want to solve?

Grants of up to $15,000 are available for teams of educators who want to work together to create solutions to challenges that impact our students. Grantee teams also benefit from working in community with other educators across the district and receiving support throughout project implementation. For complete information about the program including application and guidelines, Info at Early application deadline, April 1st.

AFT Teach Conference 2025. Go to D.C. with the BTU!

Join the BTU’s delegation to TEACH, our national union’s biannual professional development conference. Join thousands of educators from across the country to learn about professional issues, policy challenges, and classroom strategies. Members of the BTU’s delegation receive conference registration, shared hotel room in Washington, D.C. and reimbursement for travel. The BTU will select up to 40 members to attend, with priority given to members who have not attended in the past.  For more information see the conference websiteApply Today! Deadline April 11th.

Join the BTU Co-ed Softball League! Applications due by April 1st

The BTU Co-ed Softball League will begin it’s 2025 season this coming April. Teams play one or two games a week from early April until late June. Games are played on Mondays through Fridays at fields in South Boston or West Roxbury. If your school can’t field a full team, staff members who are interested in playing can be assigned to another team. If you are interested in participating in the upcoming season please contact Softball League Commissioner, Bruce Collotta, at

Register to attend a screening of Counted Out at the BTU Hall on March 14th!

Professional Learning & Development Updates

Each week, we have many new and exciting Professional Learning & Development opportunities to share with you. You can find a full description of each listing on our Professional Learning & Development Updates Page.

  • Teach for Climate Justice: An Experiential Retreat for Educators to the Bribri Territories of Costa Rica this summer!
  • Connect & Share Sessions on “Access to Fishtank for Multilingual Learners”: Feb 6 & Mar 11, 5:30-7:00pm
  • Advancing Equity in Tier 1 Classroom Behavior Supports – Online, Self-Paced Modules
  • Critical Disciplinary Literacy ALC course, 2/3-3/17, Mondays 4-6pm, Zoom.
  • Spanish for BPS Educators: Intermediate Level – Feb. 25 – April 8, 2025
  • Telescope Network Learning Site – Building Oral Language in Early Childhood Classrooms: March 21
  • Telescope Learning Site: Building Communication through Literacy in Early Childhood Sub Separate Classrooms (ABA): March 12 or March 13
  • Elementary World Language Learning Site March 6
  • Telescope Math Sub Separate Learning Cohort: March 20, 4:30-6:30pm
  • Multilingual Learners Math Learning Site
  • Spanish for BPS Educators: Intermediate Level – Feb. 25 – April 8, 2025
  • Elementary IM Advancing Course begins Thursday March 6th 4:30-6:30pm on Zoom
  • Building Independence and Agency in a Productive Learning Environment Learning Site
A trio of BTU children took a trip down an inflatable slide at the BTU Children’s Party last week!
BTU Community Liaison Brenda Chaney poses with her granddaughter at the Children’s Party!

Community Events

Earth Day Boston offers grants for students and educators to organize climate change events! Deadline March 7th

Earth Day Boston is providing financial support and activist training for Boston-area students and educators who organize events focused on climate change. 8th – 12th grade students and educators are encouraged to apply. These activities should help attendees understand how to take action to stop further climate change. More information here

Sing for Justice with BVOCAL! Boston Voices of Community and Labor: Rehearsals March 1st & March 12th

Social justice movements are stronger – more joyful, more resilient, and more powerful – when they sing. BVOCAL is a new protest chorus committed to uplifting our rallies, marches, and pickets lines with singing. Attend occasional rehearsals to learn the songs, then show up for actions when you are able. ALL voices welcome! Sign up here. More information here.

Friends of the Boston Schoolyards Newsletter

The Friends of the Boston School Yards (FOTBS) is a volunteer organization whose mission is to advocate for and support outdoor teaching and learning for all Boston Public School students as an integral part of the curriculum, and to support the development and maintenance of schoolyards as vital public spaces throughout the City of Boston. Please check out the FOTBS website for more information and the opportunity to sign up for the FOTBS Newsletter.

BTU in the News

Check out the press coverage from February 13th when hundreds of BTU members held standouts across the city to call on BPS management to show some love to students by ratifying a contract which provides the resources educators need to help them thrive.

In Memoriam

BTU member Betye R. Harris Watts passed peacefully on February 17th. Bettye grew up in Roxbury and worked tirelessly for Boston Public Schools beginning in the mid-1970s. Bettye also remained a committed member of the Retired Teachers Chapter of the BTU, continuing her advocacy for the rights and well-being of educators and students. Funeral services will ne held on Thursday, February 27 at 11 AM at Peoples Baptist Church, Corner of Tremont and Camden Streets.

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