Your Union Representative
Our field representatives are here to help answer everyday questions, enforce the contract and connect members to resources.
Caitlin Gaffny
Elementary Field Rep.
- Adams Elementary
- Alighieri Montessori School
- Baldwin ELC
- Bates Elementary
- Beethoven Elementary
- Blackstone Elementary
- Bradley Elementary
- Carter Center
- Channing Elementary
- Chittick Elementary
- Clap Elementary
- Condon Elementary
- Conley Elementary
- Curley K-8
- Dever Elementary
- Dudley St. Neighborhood School
- East Boston EEC
- Eliot K-8
- Ellis Elementary
- Ellison/Parks EES
- Everett Elementary
- Gardner Pilot Academy
- Greenwood, S K-8
- Grew Elementary
- Guild Elementary
- Hale Elementary
- Haley Pilot
- Harvard/Kent Elementary
- Haynes EEC
- Hennigan Elementary
- Hernandez K-8
- Higginson Elementary
- Holmes Elementary
- Hurley K-8
- Kennedy, JF Elementary
- Kennedy, PJ Elementary
- Kenny Elementary
- Kilmer K-8
- Lee Academy
- Lee Elementary
- Lyndon K-8
- Lyon K-8
- Manning Elementary
- Mason Elementary
- Mather Elementary
- Mattahunt Elementary School
- McKay Elementary
- Mendell Elementary
- Mozart Elementary
- Murphy Elementary
- O’Donnell Elementary
- Otis Elementary
- Perkins Elementary
- Perry K-8
- Philbrick Elementary
- Quincy Elementary
- Roosevelt K-8
- Russell Elementary
- Shaw, P.A. Elementary
- Sumner Elementary
- Taylor Elementary
- Trotter Elementary
- Tynan Elementary
- UP Academy Dorchester
- UP Academy Holland
- Warren/Prescott K-8
- West Zone ELC
- Winship Elementary
- Winthrop Elementary
- Young Achievers K-8
Programs / Groups
- Achievement Gap
- Adaptive Pays Ed
- Audiologist
- Carter Center
- Counseling Service
- *School Psychologist (1)
- Enrollment Services
- *Assignment Transfer Spec.
- Hub School Coordinators
- Human Resource Team
- *Consulting Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- SpEd Support Svcs Coordinator
- Supervisor of Attendance
- Teaching & Learning
- Transportation
- *Transportation Officer
- Unified Student Sec
- Vision
Caren Carew
Secondary Field Rep.
- Another Course to College
- Boston Arts Academy
- Boston Collaborative High School
- Boston Comm Leadership Academy
- Boston Evening Academy
- Boston International HS
- Boston Latin
- Brighton High
- BTU Pilot
- Burke High
- Charlestown High
- Community Academy
- Com And Science & Health
- Dearborn Middle
- East Boston High
- Edison K-8
- English High
- Fenway High
- Frederick Pilot Middle
- Greater Egleston High
- Green Academy
- Henderson K-12
- Higginson/Lewis K-8
- Horace Mann
- Kennedy, EM Health Academy
- King K-8
- Latin Academy
- Lyon Pilot High 9-12
- Madison Park High
- Margarita Muniz Academy
- McCormack Middle
- Melvin H. King Elementary
- Melvin H. King Middle
- Melvin H. King Prep
- Melvin H. King South End Academy
- Mildred Avenue K-8
- New Mission Pilot
- Newcomers Academy
- O’Bryant School
- Ohrenberger Elementary
- Orchard Gardens K-8 Pilot
- Quincy Upper School
- Roland Hayes Div of Music
- Snowden International Hi
- South Boston HS - Excel
- Tech Boston Academy
- Tobin K-8
- Umana Middle
- UP Academy Boston
Programs / Groups:
- Adult Education
- *Adult Ed Instructor
- Alternative Education
- Alternative Education HS
- Comm Connections Fac
- Coordinator (BTU)
- Counseling & Intervtn Ct
- Diplomas Plus
- English Language Learn
- Guidance Counselor (1)
- *Guidance Advisor (1)
- Health Service
- Health and Wellness
- Jr Specialist (BTU)
- Media Specialist
- New Teacher Developer
- Nurse
- Nurse Specialist
- Registrar
- Rehabilitation Counselor
- ROTC Instructor
- Social Worker/Coordinator
- *District Social Workers
- Specialist (BTU)
- Specialist (BTU) non ac
- Specialist-Job Placement
- Speech & Language Pathologist
- Student Dev Counselor (1)
- Student Services Coordinator
Colleen Hart
Substitute/ABA Field Rep
- ABA Para
- ABA Specialist (BTU)
- Braille Materials Para
- C O T A Para
- Cluster Substitute
- Cluster Substitute ES
- Community Field Coordinator
- Equity
- Family Liaison
- Health Para
- Library Paraprofessional
- One to One Para
- Paraprofessional
- Physical Ed Para
- Security Para
- SEI Para
- Sign Language Interpreter
- SPED Coverage Paraprofessional
- Sub Nurse-Retiree
- Sub Teacher – Retiree
- Substitute Nurse
- Substitute Nurse HE
- Substitute Teacher
- Substitute Teacher HE
- Cluster Para
- Surround Care Paraprofessional
- Swim Para
Not sure who to contact?
Call us at the BTU Office and we'll point you in the right direction. 617-288-2000