The Harvard/Kent Elementary School is located in Charlestown, right near the Bunker Hill Monument. It has an unusually diverse population of students, with slightly more than half in so-called “€œregular education”€ classes and many immigrant families from Asia and Latin America.

I arrived around noon and found the principal in the most inviting cafeteria I”€™ve seen in a long time, with walls full of student artwork and inspirational quotes. The five PRIDE qualities that guide the school community were prominently displayed and interpreted by student artwork.

I learned that the third graders were off on a field trip toBelle Isle marsh “€“ a fascinating place (accessible by T) I”€™d visited with my middle school students many years ago. This was the first of several surprising connections at this school across the city from my JP neighborhood! I met Mary Gaffney on the stairs; a friend, neighbor, and teacher of children with special needs who recently came to the Harvard/Kent from the Marshall.

“€œI know you!”€ science teacher Theresa Strong, also from JP, exclaimed when I introduced myself. I loved visiting her active classes: fifth graders creating models of their playground after measuring the space and, later in the day, fourth graders trying to light a bulb with a battery and wire.

I usually visit schools in the morning, when language arts and math tend to dominate instruction. On this Friday afternoon students throughout the building were also engaged in a variety of science and social studies activities. Writing and drawing activities enriched all subjects. One class was doing map work and practicing a chant to remember the names of our continent, country, state, and city. Much hilarity attended an end of the day “€œSimon Says”€ in a kindergarten class, where learning to follow directions is central to the curriculum.

Hopefully this month”€™s “€œWe”€™re Learning Here”€ photos and captions will inspire you to listen to and share the voices of your own students beyond the classroom. I encourage all of you to make YOUR voices heard, as well!

Amika smiley

Amika Kemmler Ernst is a recently retired BPS New Teacher Developer with extensive experience as a classroom teacher, curriculum developer, and graphic artist. Her “€œWe”€™re Learning Here”€ Project features images of everyday learning in our public schools, along with the words of the students pictured. Please invite her to visit your school this year!