On the second day of the school year, a beautiful Friday morning, I visited the Higginson-Lewis K-8 School in Roxbury at the invitation of Principal Joy Salesman-Oliver.
When I arrived, the entire school population was gathered outside, while firemen dealt with smoke in the basement, waiting patiently and talking quietly with one another. I was impressed with the calm way students settled into their schoolwork when they returned to their classrooms.
As in most schools during the first week of school, teachers were introducing rules and procedures, and getting to know the young people in their charge. When I returned the following week to interview students, kindergarten classes had begun and their hallway hummed with excited voices and activity. It always feels so GOOD to be in a school full of learners!
The two first grade classes have been separated by gender this year. The boys told me they really liked being together because “Girls talk too much!” I can”t help wondering what the girls would say!
I loved visiting Erik Hess’s eighth-grade science class. He had students lined up at the back tables “launching” large rubber bands toward a target while classmates watched. Each student had to adjust the pull on the rubber band as well as the angle at which it would be sent soaring, recording the data after each launch. This is an experienced teacher who understands how to fully engage his students and who told me that he appreciates the administrative trust that allows him to try new things.
Although many teachers have been shuffled around the district due to school closings/consolidations, most of us begin the school year with energy and a renewed commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of our students. I wish you all respectful administrators, collaborative peers, supportive partnerships with families, and enthusiastic students to sustain you!
This column is dedicated to celebrating the learning going on every day in Boston”s public schools. Please invite me to visit yours
Amika Kemmler Ernst is a recently retired BPS New Teacher Developer with extensive experience as a classroom teacher, curriculum developer, and graphic artist. Her “We”re Learning Here” Project features images of everyday learning in our public schools, along with the words of the students pictured. Please invite her to visit your school this year!