A independent documentary film crew has focused on Boston Public Schools’ innovative approach to providing students with a healthier lunch.

VII Foundation Films premiered “Eat Up” on Sunday at the International Film Festival Boston, which shows a yearlong look at BPS’s My Way Cafe initiative — a pilot program designed to reduce the amount of prepackaged food in the schools, instead opting for fresher and healthier lunch options.

“It’s a win-win, there is fresh food, more jobs and the kids love it,” said director Fiona Turner.

“Nutrition is a difficult thing, kids complain about it, parents aren’t always happy with it and we have seen initiatives in other places with mixed success and so I was intrigued,” added Turner. She told the Herald that programs like this require a systematic change within districts to be successful.

Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s announced last week that the district will be expanding the program this year. The program started in 2017 in four East Boston schools, but will be added to 29 more schools, in Roxbury, Mattapan and East Boston.


Read the full article on the Boston Herald website.