Wellesley College is proud to welcome Diane Ravitch (’60) for the inaugural lecture in a new series of talks on current issues in public education. Ravitch is a leading national advocate for public schools who is ranked at the top of Education Week’s 2015 listing of influential scholars. In her presentation, “How to Ruin or Revive Public Education,” she will discuss how testing and privatization are damaging children, teachers, schools, and communities, and are threatening public education as a common good. Please join us on Thursday, October 22 at 7:30 PM.

economic classes in America; the need for mandatory infant care and pre-K programs; the damage inflicted on the atmosphere of learning by obsessive and repetitive standardized tests in elementary schools. Learn more.
Unfortunately, both of these events are taking place on the same night! Both Diane and Jonathan are terrific speakers and worth listening to. They have each spoken at the BTU, and we have plans to have Jonathan Kozol speak again at the BTU in the spring, TBA. Jonathan, as many know, is a former, proud BTU member.