Published On: May 16, 2017

Unfortunately, negotiations have come to a halt as the School Department has refused to bargain in good faith. We are taking legal action, and we’ll explain as soon we can.

The school district has ceded total control of its end of the negotiations process to an outside consultant. Both the Boston School Committee and the superintendent have shown total indifference to settling the contract.

Ironically, last week was Teacher Appreciation Week and School Nurse Day. The superintendent, who has attended only one or two bargaining sessions of the 35 or so we’ve had, had this to say in his “announcement of appreciation:”

Boston Public Schools (BPS) is proud to recognize National Teacher Appreciation Week, from May 8-12, to showcase our amazing educators who work hard every day to inspire our young people.16

This week, Superintendent Tommy Chang thanked teachers for tirelessly serving our students and their families every day.

‘As we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week, I want to acknowledge the tremendous impact that our amazing educators have on shaping our students’ futures,’ Dr. Chang said. ‘You encourage them to persevere; you motivate them to do great things and you provide them the tools to succeed in life. You truly change lives. Thank you for your tireless dedication and commitment to the growth and success of our students. You are an inspiration to us all. We are honored to serve with you in the education of our most precious resource — Boston’s youth.’

In addition to the Teacher Appreciation Week, May 10 was national School Nurse Day…

Draw your own conclusions.

See an explanation of where we were when negotiations broke off. Thank you.

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