Organizing Committees

These ad-hoc committees are ways for our members who are concerned or interested in specific issues to work together to address concerns and advocate for specific goals. Many of these committees partner with our community, parent, and student partners to work towards their goals as well. See all upcoming Organizing Committee events on our BTU Events Calendar.

Here are some of the committees addressing common issues—we would love for you to get involved:

Restorative Justice Organizing Committee

Works to expand, improve, and support Restorative Justice policies in the district.

Unafraid Educators

Educators working to build sanctuary schools from the ground up where immigrant and undocumented students feel supported. Their work includes an annual Unafraid Educators Week of Action as well as a scholarship fund for undocumented students in BPS.

Black Lives Matter at School

A planning committee to advance the Black Lives Matter at School movement in Boston. Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition organizing for racial justice in education.  We encourage all educators, students, parents, unions, and community organizations to join our annual week of action during the first week of February each year.

Haitian Educators

Haitian educators and allies working to support the needs of Haitian educators, students, and parents in our schools.

Ethnic Studies Now!

The goal of this committee is to build a popular movement of people to advocate for the funding, staffing and professional training needed to develop, implement, and sustain ethnic studies in all BPS schools. It also serves to recruit and support educators to teach Ethnic Studies through providing professional development and building solidarity.

Housing Justice Committee

We are organizing the BPS community and partners to pursue safe and stable housing by empowering families and providing access to resources, training, education, political advocacy, and networking.

Inclusion Done Right

Fighting for fully supported and funded inclusion classrooms and for the services our students deserve.

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Climate Justice

Advocates in solidarity with local climate justice movements.

Our City Our Schools

We’re a group of BTU members and allies with a goal to develop, implement, and win a campaign to address the root causes of state-imposed intervention in schools. We need resources and stability, not receivership!

Solidarity Committee

Working to build relationships and organize with workers and unions to build solidarity across the labor movement.

Organizing Committee Form

Please fill out the form if you are interested in joining one of these organizing committees or forming your own.

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Please click on all the BTU Organizing Committees you are interested in joining: