$how Me the Money Series: Through December 6
Join the Boston Education Justice Alliance community for a conversation about ways to advocate for better quality schools, from getting involved in your school site council to the basics of your school budget. Register here!
NEW- AFT Webinar on Student Debt Relief Resources: TODAY, 5:30PM
AFT will be holding a webinar with information about the settlement and how to use Summer to get help to borrowers. Join to hear the changes to PSLF and how to help members get relief now.
Virtual Hearing on BTU Retirement Plus Legislation: TODAY, 10:00AM
Hosted by the Joint Committee on Public Service on HB4111 (HD4453) – An Act authorizing the city of Boston to establish an alternative superannuation retirement benefit program. See here for more information.
Haitian Educators Meeting: TODAY, 5:00-6:30PM
Please contact Bianca Pierre for the Zoom link.
Paraprofessional Informational Meeting: October 20, 4:30PM-6:00PM
Please join us VIRTUALLY for the Para informational meeting; click HERE to register. Topics will include: Updates on new Para Mentor/ Facilitators, Tech Goes Home, monthly para game nights, Silent Reps, evaluations and online trainings, Para PDs, ABA Paras, lunch duties and a Q&A session. Zoom links will be sent in the days prior to the meeting. We hope to see you there!
New Teacher Development Meetings: October 19 & 21
The NTD Program hopes that all teachers have had a successful first week of school! Thank you to all the veteran educators who have agreed to be NTDs in their schools. The first NTD Meeting will be held virtually on October 19 from 4 to 6 p.m., OR October 21 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please review the job description before the meeting. Reach out to Kaitlin with any questions.
NEW- Connect & Share Panel Discussion: Addressing Gaps in Learning: October 21: 4:30-6:00PM
Join us on Zoom for an educator-led panel on “Addressing Learning Gaps” for the SY2021-2022. Connect with peers from across BPS, get new ideas, and earn PD hours as well.
Retirement Seminar: October 26, 4:30PM
Hosted by Michael W. McLaughlin, BTU Secretary-Treasurer and BRS Trustee, this in-person seminar at the BTU will be limited to 50 participants. All participants must use this link to reserve a seat for the seminar. Future seminars will be scheduled.
Para Pumpkin Paint Night: October 26, 5:00-7:00PM
Join your Para Council for a fun filled night of pumpkin painting at the Union Hall! Please register here by October 20.
NEW- Virtual Edcamp for New Teachers: October 28, 4:30-6:30PM
Join your BPS colleagues for an Edcamp! It’s a space to connect with other new teachers, ask your questions, and share your wisdom. This Edcamp is hosted by the New Teacher Development program and the Telescope Network. It’s open to anyone new to teaching (<5 years) or new to BPS. Attendees, please bring one practice to share (something that’s worked for you so far) and one question.
NEW- Retirement Party for Betsy Drinan: December 3, 7:00-11:00PM
Please join us for a celebration of Betsy Drinan’s retirement after a long career serving the students of Boston and the Boston Teachers Union! The event will be held at the Union Hall. Please RSVP to Matt Bouvier and send a check for $55 payable to “Boston Teachers Union,” with “Retirement Party” in the memo line.
BLM @ School Committee
Interested in getting involved in the Black Lives Matter at School movement? This year’s national theme is “A Year of Purpose.” Our goal is to get at least 2 BTU members in every school community to commit to taking action. Help us reach our goal by making the commitment today.
NEW- Report Uncompensated PD/Training Requirements
Many educators and school communities are reporting an unprecedented number of required training and professional development activities being asked of staff without time being offered to complete it. If you have been asked to complete professional development or training, including online modules, in your own time, please use this form to help us understand the scope of this challenge. Please note: The best way to address this issue is through collaboration at the school level to identify contractual time (CPT, PD, Admin Periods) when this can be completed. We celebrate the many school communities where staff and administration worked together to do this.
NEW- Fund for Teachers: Design Your Own Passion-Driven Professional Learning
The application for Fund for Teachers is now open! Design your own (often travel-based) professional learning experience for Summer ’22. Individuals may be awarded grants of up to $5000 and teams up to $10,000. Learn more and apply today! The BTU offers support and feedback to members in writing their proposals. Please contact Paul to be connected to a mentor.
NEW- Important Message on Exclusionary Medications
The Public Employee’s Commission, a City of Boston group of local unions advocating for their members’ health care benefits, released a current list of exclusionary medications not covered by Express Scripts. Ask your doctor to prescribe from one of the preferred alternatives. Use this link for exclusionary medications and alternatives.
Join the New Educator Committee
The New Educator Committee is run by and for new members! The mission of the BTU New Educators Committee is to arrange social events, connecting early-career educators with each other and with resources to help them survive and thrive through their first few years in BPS. As a union committee, we also strive to identify and develop potential leaders by introducing new members to union structures and opportunities for involvement. If you’re an early career educator interested in getting involved with these events, let us know here!
NEW- BTU @ the Celtics: Get Your Tickets Now!
We have 50 tickets for the December 29 game at 7:30 p.m. against the L.A. Clippers for $65 each, and 50 tickets for the January 15 game against Chicago at 8:30 p.m. for $75 each. Tickets are first come, first served and will be sent electronically after payment has been received. Please click HERE or email Nichole for more details.
Opening on the Academic Ladder Credit Review Committee
The BTU seeks members interested in serving on this committee which reviews and approves courses under consideration for awarding credits for salary lane advancement. If you are interested in serving on this committee which will meet no more than monthly, please email Paul for more information.
Phone Banks for Yes on 1 and Elected School Committee
The BTU supports more democracy for the City of Boston, so we have endorsed the Better Budget Amendment to the City Charter, and the advisory question for an elected Boston School Committee. The Massachusetts Voter Table is running phone banks for both questions. Sign up here!
NEW- National Board Certified Teachers Opportunities
The National Board Leadership Team is looking for NBCTs seeking paid leadership opportunities for the 2021-2022 school year as a Cohort Leader and/or an On-Call Reader. Additionally, the National Board Leadership Team is providing support to BPS teachers who are interested in pursuing National Board certification this school year.
Apply to be a Member Organizer!
The BTU Member Organizer program develops our most valuable resource as a union—our members—to build union power and activism. The BTU seeks up to 24 Member Organizers to foster a culture of organizing, member engagement, and activism among a broad base of BTU members and allies. Member Organizers receive training and coaching on the basics of effective organizing and mobilizing. Learn more and apply at btu.org/member-organizers
Join the Housing Justice Organizing Committee!
Are you or your students worried about paying rent and being displaced? There is a housing crisis in Boston and many families are facing eviction. But we have the power to fight back! The BTU Housing Justice Committee organizes with community partners such as City Life/Vida Urbana to fight for safe and stable housing and to provide access to resources, training, and education. If you are interested in learning more about our work or joining our committee, you call fill out the form here.
Donate to & Share Unafraid Scholarship Fundraiser
Hundreds of immigrants from all over the world graduate from the Boston Public Schools each year, but many face a huge obstacle: if they’re undocumented, they don’t qualify for federal financial aid. Since its inception in 2017, the Unafraid Scholarship has awarded $230,000 to 80 deserving BPS graduates. Help us support this year’s 49 applicants by donating and sharing the fundraisers on social media!
Join BTU Speakers Bureau
Interested in helping with our media efforts for our contract campaign? Join our Speakers Bureau, where our Communications staff will help you learn to be a spokesperson, write an op-ed, or share your story. Sign up here.
Support BTU Against Breast Cancer
The BTU joined the American Cancer Society’s “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer”! Support with a donation here.
IMPORTANT REMINDER: BTU Sick Leave Donation Program: Deadline Extended to October 30
If you currently meet the eligibility requirements to become a member of the BTU sick leave donation program and would like to join, please Navigate to ess.boston.gov > select the “BPS Sick Bank Donation” tile > read and acknowledge the terms and conditions > click submit. You will receive a confirmation notice if you are enrolled, and 1 sick day will be deducted from your accrued balance. You are not eligible to use the sick bank days later in the year unless you donate a day and join and cannot join later! If you’re having trouble, please follow these instructions.
BPS Support Resources
For staff members in need of support regarding any recent events, from the earthquake in Haiti to the turmoil in Afghanistan, The Office of Recruitment, Cultivation & Diversity Programs is available to host sessions for colleagues who desire a space to process. You can contact them at diversityprograms@bostonpublicschools.org.
Join BTU Electoral Action Team
There are only a few weeks until the Nov. 2 election! If you would like to be a point person for our BEAT (BTU Electoral Action Team), please email Political Director Johnny McInnis or call 617-433-0488.
Telescope Network Monthly Connect and Share
At our monthly educator-led Telescope Network “Connect & Share” panels. Our colleagues, BPS educators, will share what they’re working on and engage attendees in discussion around challenges identified by educators themselves. Get more informationon the full series and RSVP today.