News From Peer Assistance and Review (PAR)
New logo and pamphlet: The Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) program has a new pamphlet and new logo. Visit our website or pick one up the next time you visit the BTU building.
Enroll in PAR: Partner with a veteran BPS teacher who will become your coach and primary evaluator. PAR’s goal is an evaluation that feels fair, trans
parent and humane for all stakeholders. PAR is open to Permanent teachers on a Directed Growth or Improvement Plan AND 3rd year Provisional educators. Enroll in PAR atin the “Enroll” section. Note: Your eval plan must be at least six months long to join PAR.

OR Sign up for a Peer Assistant (PA): Receive confidential support, feedback and individualized coaching from a veteran BPS teacher. PA is open to permanent teachers who are currently on a Directed Growth or Improvement Plan. Enroll in PA at My Learning Plan in the “Forms” section.
School visits: We’re happy to come to your school to give you more information about how PAR works and and how it helps support teachers and schools. Email Lauren Clarke-Mason or Mark Lonergan to set up a time for us to talk to your faculty senate, ILT, admin team or just talk individually.