NEW — Building Rep Orientation Sessions
For newly elected or returning Building Reps who would like to learn more about their role and how to get support, please attend a one-hour long orientation on one of the following dates: Tuesday, June 19 and Thursday, June 21 from 4:30-5:30 PM; August 28 from 10-11 AM and 4-5 PM; September 13 from 4:30-5:30 PM; and at the BTU October Leadership Conference. Orientations are also available by appointment as needed.
NEW — PDP Certificates
The contract requires that teachers receive a PDP certificate from their principal by the last day of school. Please be sure to remind your principal of this requirement now, so that he or she issues the certificate by June 28. If you have not received your certificate by the end of school, please file a grievance with your principal at that time, and cc your field representative.
Register today for the 2018 Summer Organizing Institute! This year’s institute will focus on organizing around our issues and will take place at the BTU July 2-3 from 9 AM to 3:30 PM. The Summer Organizing Institute is open to all BTU members, both active and retired. Childcare and meals are provided.
Seeking New Member of Peer Assistance and Review (PAR) Panel
There is an opening for a new BTU appointee on the PAR Panel, which governs the Peer Assistance and Review Program. For more information about this paid opportunity which entails significant additional work, please see the Boston PAR website and the job description of panel members. Questions about the role can be directed to PAR Panel members at or To apply, please send a letter of interest and resume to Erik at
Apply to Be a Building Rep Regional Leader for SY18-19
Building Regional Rep Leaders (BRRL) will play an important role in improving communication from the school level to the BTU organization to address member issues and create a more inclusive and responsive union. BRRLs support a set of schools identified by the school’s respective needs from school building reps. Apply by June 20.
Building Rep: End-of-Year Survey
Current Building Reps, please complete the Building Rep end-of-year survey. This information informs us on ideas for improving our Building Rep program systems, trainings and much more. Find the survey on the BTU website:
TODAY — HUB School Planning Meeting
Please join us from 5-7 PM at the Bolling Building.
TOMORROW — BTU Membership Meeting
Please join us at the BTU at 4:30 for our last membership meeting of the year.
FRIDAY — End of School Year BTU Barbecue: June 15
Join us to wind down with colleagues on Friday, June 15 at the BTU Hall. See the flyer for more.
Sharing Strong Social Emotional Learning Practices with the Early Education Committee: Monday, June 18
Please join us at the BTU from 4:30-6:30. See the flyer for more, and please RSVP. If you would like to participate in a five-minute presentation of your intervention work, share your idea by emailing Jason Sachs at We will create time on the agenda for teachers to share best practices.
SMART Plan Meetings: Wednesday, June 20 and Tuesday, July 10
Marianne Cole will be holding meetings on June 20 from 2-5:30 AND July 10 from 2:30-5:30 at the BTU. All are welcome to make an appointment, whether currently participating in the plan or not. Please email to schedule.
Mass Ed Justice Alliance (MEJA) Convening: Saturday, June 23
The Mass Ed Justice Alliance is hosting its first statewide meeting of activists on Saturday, June 23 from 9-2:30 PM in Worcester. Learn how far we’ve come, share skill-building workshops to help our movement, and come to consensus on action steps statewide for winning on our #FundOurSchools and #DebtFreeFuture campaigns. Please RSVP by emailing Jonathan at, and invite friends on Facebook.