BTU Summer Yard Signs Are Back!
Many of you may have lost your BTU yard signs this winter under the many fe
et of snow. Not to worry! We will be distributing yard signs again at the membership meeting this Wednesday. You can stop by as early as 3 PM and just pull up to the front of the office where we will be handing them out.

BUILDING REPS, please help us to distribute them to members by taking some back to your schools!
Apply to Become a Building Rep Regional Leader
The Building Rep Regional Leaders program was piloted last year. If you are interested in learning more, apply here.
West Roxbury and Roslindale Meet and Greet
Come join us for the last Meet and Greet of the year! Wind down with fellow educators and BTU staff at the West on Centre restaurant at 1732 Centre Street in West Roxbury on June 25 from 3-6 PM. To RSVP email Robert Carroll or Shanika Houlder.
BTU Parent Advisory Council
Please join us on June 22 from 6-8 PM (location TBA) as we begin to plan the Back to School Fair and the Parent to Parent Conference. To RSVP please email Shanika.
Upcoming Organizing Committee Meeting Dates
- Less Testing More Learning Committee: Monday, June 15 from4:30-6:30 PM at the BTU
- Social Studies and History: Monday, June 15 from 4:30-6:30 PM at Jobs With Justice
- Inclusion: Tuesday, June 16 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the BTU
- LGBTQ: Wednesday, June 17 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the Hennigan School, Rm 315
- Visual and Performing Arts: Tuesday, June 23 from 4:30-6:30 PM at the BTU
ANNOUNCING: June Science Social!
Celebrate the end of the year and our 80th SOCIAL with us on Friday, June 12 from 3-7 PM at Ashmont Grill. Directions?
Want to learn more about what each committee does? Read more about each of them.