Published On: June 13, 2017

See a PDF of full election results.

We offer our congratulations to those elected to full-time office:

  • President: Jessica Tang
  • Vice President: Erik Berg
  • Secretary-Treasurer: Betsy Drinan
  • Elementary Field Rep.: Mike McLaughlin
  • Secondary Rep.: Caren Carew
  • Para/Substitute Field Rep.: Colleen Hart
  • Political Director: Johnny McInnis

We also are pleased to announce our newly-elected Executive Board in order of finish:

  1. Michael Maguire
  2. Brenda Chaney
  3. Cheryl Kelly, R.N.
  4. Mary Ann Urban
  5. Alice Yong
  6. James (Timo) Philp
  7. Garrett Virchick
  8. Paul Tritter
  9. Nicole Mullen
  10. Robert Carroll
  11. Maria Brooks
  12. Sheryl (Sherry) Pedone

We thank all who participated: those who ran, whether they won or not, and those who voted. We had a record-breaking number of voters, more than 3,000.

It takes a lot of courage to run for office. Congratulations to all.

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