Good morning. A few things: Just a reminder that all BTU events scheduled on a “snow day” are canceled as well.
Our first Sticker Day is this Friday and all Fridays for the foreseeable future. Got an idea for an upcoming sticker? Email us to let us know, and winning entries will receive a pair of tickets to BTU Night at the Red Sox. Ideas welcome!
As a result of issues that surfaced during the BTU election, the union president was charged with digging in deep into the election process and making recommendations. (Read the president’s report, along with all supporting documents.) Based on the president’s recommendations and the BTU’s Executive Board’s input, an ad-hoc committee has been set up, and we are looking for members to volunteer to serve. The committee is charged with a variety of responsibilities, and their first meeting will be on Thursday, February 25. All members on good standing are welcomed to apply, but no more than 15 members will be selected for this committee. See the form of interest. The deadline for applications is next Tuesday, February 9. Thank you. Please email Richard with questions.
CHANGE IN DATE: Black Caucus Upcoming Meeting. Please join us on Thursday, February 11, at the BTU at 5 PM.The prior ebulletin listed the incorrect date.