Published On: January 10, 2023
We hope you all had a strong start to your 2023!

The first monthly membership meeting of the New Year is TOMORROW, Wednesday, Jan. 11 beginning at 4:30 p.m. You do NOT need to register, though, as always, you should bring your BTU card for admittance. (We will have a problem-solving table for those who do not have their card, but you must bring a photo ID or BPS pay stub.) If you need childcare, please register here. Per our previously approved membership policy, we will mirror the BPS masking policy and are asking that everyone wear masks, but we will also make exceptions for anyone for whom it may be a hardship or impractical. There will be an area reserved for those who prefer sitting with others who are fully masked as well.

At tomorrow’s meeting, we will be joined by representatives from the City of Boston, where they will be sharing information and looking for feedback about the Green New Deal for Boston Public Schools, specifically new school buildings and renovation projects on the horizon for BPS and what the engagement process for educators and the larger community will be.

LAST CHANCE to choose our winner for the BLM @ School T-Shirt Contest! This year, BTU has decided to do a Boston-wide art contest. Students submitted some amazing work – please vote for your favorite!

Retro pay is supposed to be disbursed in the January 20, 2023 paychecks. Implementation updates from BPS continue to be shared on this document. Pay grids are available on our website. We also have a new FAQ document regarding Inclusion implementation. This will continue to be updated as well.  

If you are a family liaison, please be sure to fill out this form. We are creating a list-serve for family liaisons, and we are continuing to work on the pay issues. We will continue to be in contact through this distribution list as we continue advocate for the resolution to the issues.  

If your school has not yet scheduled a Contract Coffee Hour, please be sure to email Natasha MooreWe have visited or have scheduled school visits for dozens of schools, but there are still many we have not been able to visit yet to share the newest provisions in our contract and to answer questions.

Don’t Forget, We’re Hiring: We are looking for an Inclusion Liaison, which is similar to the BTU Director of Professional Learning position that is full time position shared by the BTU and BPS. Please apply on TalentEd. It was mistakenly listed as a Substitute Position, but it is NOT a substitute position. We are also looking for a Communications Assistant and a Financial Administrative Assistant, both permanent full-time opportunities at the BTU.  Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to Michelle Frank for the Communications position and Natasha Moore for the Financial assistant via email or by mail to the union hall.

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