Published On: November 1, 2022

There is ONE WEEK LEFT before the November midterm elections! In Massachusetts, there are several important races and ballot questions. There are many ways to get involved, to make your vote count and to help get out the vote. Check out the special election bulletin to learn more and please remember to vote Yes on 1 and Yes on 4! There is a lot of misinformation being spread, and it’s important to know the real factsWe’re hosting an Educators and Allies for Fair Share and Safer Roads rally and canvass with Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley THIS SATURDAY, November 5 at 1 p.m. at our union hall with AFT Massachusetts and Massachusetts Teachers Association. Contact Roberto Jimenez with questions. 

We are happy to share that last week, the Boston City Council unanimously voted to approve appropriations for our new contract. We thank them for their support! We are eager to move ahead with implementation and will share more information as it becomes available. For example, we know there are questions about when the retro pay and new pay adjustments will take place, and we’re asking both the district and City for a more concrete timeline now that the City Council has approved the funding.

In case you missed it last week, we shared the newly released guidance at the Fall Leadership Conference regarding the Inclusion Planning Team.  All “Cohort 1” schools (listed in the document) and all High Schools should begin forming their inclusion planning teams as soon as possible.  We will be hosting the next information sessions at 5 p.m. on 11/311/7. Please note: Not all schools will necessarily become start inclusion next year and that includes “Cohort 1” schools. However, all schools will have to begin planning soon as part of a multi-year rollout. 

Building Reps: If you haven’t already done so, please remember to help us identifywhich Building Rep or BTU member will be the point person for your school to be able to view facilities updates. We will be in touch once we get more details on the next steps. 

Another new city benefit is the Blue Bike and MBTA pass benefit.  Part-time employees will also now be eligible beginning today.  Please learn more about how to access this new city benefit. Remember, you must purchase the passes through the City of Boston portal! 

We’re thrilled to welcome Judy Grant (she/her) to the BTU team as our newest organizer! Judy has been organizing for over two decades. She has worked with a broad range of union members, including resident physicians, nurses, CNAs, commercial janitors and hospitality workers. She has negotiated contracts, brought union members out on strike, and organized new members into the union. Most recently, she worked with UNITE HERE’s health and welfare fund, developing a unique model of health and benefits-based organizing. Judy is a proud BPS parent and is thrilled to be supporting the amazing people who educate Boston’s children.

From the BTU Election Committee: The BTU will be holding an election for all elected positions this spring. BTU members will have an opportunity to vote for full-time officer and staff positions, the 12-member executive board, RTC officers, para council, and delegates to various conventions and organizations to which we send representatives. It is never too early to start thinking about running and serving in a position! It is also never too early to make sure your mailing address is accurate in the BTU members portal. The beginning of each Election Committee meeting is set aside to answer member questions. Our next meeting is Monday, Nov. 28. You can also reach us at and notes are always posted on the portal.

If you are a newly elected Building Rep or you missed the September orientation, you are invited to attend a make-up Building Rep Orientation TOMORROW on Zoom. In this orientation, we will review the Building Rep job description, supports offered, and new contract highlights. Please register here for the Zoom link. 

Have a great week! 

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