Published On: January 4, 2023

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a festive and restful holiday break. 

The first monthly membership meeting of the New Year is next Wednesday, January 11 beginning at 4:30 p.m. You do NOT need to register, though, as always, you should bring your BTU card for admittance. (We will have a problem-solving table for those who do not have their card, but you must bring a photo ID or BPS pay stub.) If you need childcare, please register here. Per our previously approved membership policy, we will mirror the BPS masking policy and are asking that everyone wear masks, but we will also make exceptions for anyone for whom it may be a hardship or impractical. There will be an area reserved for those who prefer sitting with others who are fully masked as well.

It has come to our attention that BTU members have been given preference sheets that ask for confidential information about excessing and retirement. It is our position that preference sheets should only be about grade level and not lock members into disclosing information before they are ready to do so. If you receive a preference sheet asking for such information, please do not fill out those portions and reach out to your BTU rep and/or field rep.

If your school has not yet scheduled a Contract Coffee Hour, please be sure to email Natasha Moore. We have visited or have scheduled school visits for dozens of schools, but there are still many we have not been able to visit yet to share the newest provisions in our contract and to answer questions.

As we announced a few weeks ago, we have launched a new page on our website where we will be linking important documents regarding the Inclusion Planning Team process and Inclusion provisions. You can visit for more information on our vision for inclusion and how our new contract ensures the implementation of vital resources. 

Reminder that pay grids are now available on our website. Please visit this summary from BPS for more information. This Google Doc will continue to be updated when new information becomes available, but we are still awaiting many responses from BPS regarding many outstanding items from our contract.

We’re hiring! We’re looking for a Communications Assistant and a Financial Administrative Assistant, both permanent full-time opportunities at the BTU.  Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to Michelle Frank for the Communications position and Natasha Moore for the Financial assistant via email or by mail to the union hall.

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