Published On: June 15, 2022
It’s hard to believe that we have only two weeks left in the school year! Although the school year may be coming to close, our fight against state intervention and for a fair contract must continue on and we still need your help to succeed. 

Last week, we met with BPS four times to continue the negotiation process. We are running out of time to get a contract ratified by the end of the school year, BUT we are still fighting for a Tentative Agreement by the end of June. We need YOU at future sessions. Sign up to join our Slack and email list to get updates, and read more about negotiations at

We’ve made it clear that our schools don’t need harmful top-down interventions from the state, like receivership. Now it’s time to make it clear to the media, decision-makers, and the larger community that the solutions our schools need are the ones we’ve been fighting for in our contract campaign. To win the contract that #BostonStudentsDeserve, we need every single BTU member taking action! 

Throughout the summer we are continuing to build power, organize and take action: We’re currently taking applications for 15 Summer Organizing Union Leaders (SOULs) to engage members in taking action for a strong contract and the resources our students deserve. SOULs receive training and coaching in effective organizing practices, including how to build community, share stories, and escalate a campaign. Throughout the summer, SOULs will engage in conversations with BTU members and community members around the BTU’s contract campaign, education funding, and local elections to lay the foundation for successful education justice campaigns. They will also participate in weekly training sessions to develop a deeper understanding of what it takes to build power and win the schools our students deserve given the current political and economic landscape. If you’re interested, apply now!

Lastly, see the timeline and information about the search as it continues to progress with the goal of naming a superintendent near the end of the month.

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