Published On: February 15, 2022

We hope that you all are gearing up for a restorative February break! Please note that the BTU office will be open and staff will be available Tuesday – Friday. There will be no regularly scheduled bulletin next week, but we will send special bulletins if needed.

In case you missed it, we sent out a special bulletin last Thursday on the memorandum of agreement (MOA) we reached with the district on BPS COVID-19 policies. The MOA retains frontline educators, promotes equity, and advances public health. Please see the full agreement and press release, and if you have more questions about the MOA, do not hesitate to reach out to your field representative.

In celebration of Valentine’s Day, the Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts made an incredibly generous donation of cookies to the union as a part of their “Cookies for a Cause” program. More than 8,000 boxes of cookies were delivered to the union hall yesterday, and we want to make sure that your classrooms are able to enjoy! We are asking our building reps or their designees to come pick up cookies for drop-off at schools during these time periods: Tuesday/Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Lastly, we wanted to give a special thank you to all of the BTU members, the Executive Board, and BTU staff who helped plan and participate in a wonderful Winter Conference on Saturday! All attendees showed tremendous strength, solidarity, and a special level of commitment to winning the schools our students deserve throughout the conference both during the important work within the agenda and in the face of some efforts to distract from the important work of the day. We could not be prouder of our winter conference participants and of all our educators who choose to engage constructively throughout our union and the community to make our schools better and safer each day despite the many forms of adversity – some more egregious than others – that they may encounter along the way.

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