Dear member,
We hope that you had a restful and safe Labor Day weekend. As you know, we continue to negotiate with the district to reach an MOU that our schools and students deserve for a safe reopening of our schools. We hope to have a signed agreement soon and will keep you all posted on any developments, but want to share this information first:
- Any long-term or cluster substitute scheduled to begin the school year in a specific school will be required to attend any school-based PD and shall be paid for such.
- Per Diem substitutes, who worked 120 days last year and certify that they are willing and are able to work during SY20-21, will be required to complete at least three PD days (the final number is still being negotiated) between September 10 and September 18. They shall be compensated for the time. BPS will determine which days they must attend, and the materials will be available remotely. These days will be counted towards health care eligibility.
- Professional development will be recorded and available throughout the year for per diem substitutes. Any additional required PD will be compensated and count towards health care eligibility days.