Published On: September 6, 2022
Welcome back and welcome new BTU members! We hope you all had a restful summer and wonderful Labor Day Weekend as we dive into a new school year. This year, we will continue our efforts to build power for our members, our students, and our communities. Your involvement and voice, as always, are critical and central to the work we do.

This is the first regularly scheduled bulletin that usually goes out early Tuesday mornings. If there is a holiday, it will usually go out one day later. If you would like to submit something to be considered for inclusion in the bulletin, please fill out the submission form at If you know someone who would like to subscribe, they can do so here. Special bulletins are sent out as needed.

Please remember that we have a contract ratification meeting on Wednesday, September 14 at 4:30 p.m. The vote is in-person at the BTU Hall! Our first membership meeting will also be taking place that day, and there will be proposals for possible by-laws amendments, as noted in our Aug. 30, 2022 eBulletin. To help accommodate members at late schools, we will begin our membership meeting at 4:30pm, recess at 5:00pm for our ratification process, and then resume our regular business.  You can read the full tentative agreement, plain language summary and FAQ in advance of the meeting.

Your 2022-2023 membership card was sent out last week and you should be receiving it soon. Please sign it and keep it in your wallet. It is your ticket to membership meetings, which are in-person on the second Wednesday of every month at 4:30 p.m. Your membership card is also a reminder that, as a BTU member, you are an important part of a larger movement that works on behalf of working people for strong public education and economic, racial and social justice. We hope you can join us this year as we discuss important issues and make policy as a union.

Please see our newly negotiated 2022-2023 Covid safety agreement. It continues the policies in place last year, including the 10 days of Covid-related leave, air quality testing, availability of PPE, Covid tests, and other provisions. We finalized the agreement on Friday and thank our nurse representatives for their input and guidance.

During the MBTA’s temporary shutdown of the Orange Line, BPS and the city are looking for staff to serve as Safety Ambassadors to be there for peak times in the morning and in the afternoon to support student riders. Register here. Schools identified to be most impacted by the shutdown will have shuttles made available and/or additional parking. Here is what BPS has shared with us thus far:

“(We) wanted to provide a comprehensive update on teacher parking from Sept. 6 through 18 (the duration of the Orange Line shutdown). We are confirmed that enforcement will be relaxed for the following locations from September 6 through 18 (duration of the Orange Line Shutdown):
Enforcement Relaxed JP: Centre St. Municipal Lot across from the Curley (8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.) 
Enforcement Relaxed East Boston: 7:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. 
  • White (Brooks/Trenton) 
  • Eutaw (Brooks/White)
  • West Eagle (Brooks/Merdian) 
  • East Eagle (Putnam/Glendon) 
  • Brooks (Condor/Eutah) 
Terminal Lot Charlestown 
If tickets are issued, please let your principal know and they can contact the City to get it addressed.

Lastly, today is Primary Election Day! Please don’t forget to vote! Every vote counts and we need to elect leaders who believe in public education and our values as a labor union. Please see our endorsed candidates and AFT-MA endorsed candidates. To clarify in response to some recent questions: Per prior communication, the Executive Board did rescind the earlier endorsement in the Suffolk County DA race and currently has no endorsed candidate in that race. Polls are open until 8 p.m. Find your polling site here! 

You all are our eyes and ears at our schools and work sites.  If you have questions or concerns, please do let us know so that we can help you and your school community address the issues.

We look forward to seeing you at the BTU Hall on September 14, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Please remember to register in advance for childcare!

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