Published On: October 21, 2019

2019 Professional Development Series for Teachers Announced
Our Art Teachers Alliance offers a professional development series open to all art teachers from the Eliot School, Boston Public Schools, other schools and community partners, as well as independent teaching artists (no membership required).
You may attend all three or choose among them. Learn more and register here. Ask about PD Points.

NEW –  Seed Dispersal: Mechanisms of Flight
The Arboretum for Educators is a free, professional development opportunity for BPS preK through middle school teachers focused on using the outdoors for teaching science. They meet on the first Saturday of each month from9-11:30am at the Arnold Arboretum.
The next event is Seed Dispersal: Mechanisms of Flight and will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2, from 9:00 – 11:30 am. They will be exploring several forms of winged seeds and testing their functions. Educators will also learn to set up simple classroom experiments that teach children how to conduct investigations, consider variables, and plan for standard testing protocols. Click here for more information. Click here to register. 

NEW – Building Student Confidence Through Problem-Solving, November 4  December 3, 2019
Register to attend a 3-part blended workshop facilitated by LEGO Education, Tufts Center for Engineering Education and Outreach (CEEO), and BPSTechnology. The opening session will feature hands-on unplugged activities and participants will work on collaborative projects to earn PDPs. View the flyer here.
Course Dates: November 4-December 3, 2019

November 4 (at LEGO Education)

November 5-December 3 (via Google Classroom and face-to-face coaching)

Register in TeachPoint.
Steps to register: (1) go to TeachPoint, (2) look for the graduation cap icon (PD tracking), (3) select “Available Events” tab, (4) find the course “Building Student Confidence through Problem Solving”, (5) click on arrow to drop down and select “Enroll.”

Restorative Justice Practices ALC Course
Join educators from across BPS to deepen and expand our use of Restorative Justice practices. The course is a combination of 8 in-person sessions and online learning.

Give a BPS TechTalk!
During Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 9-15, 2019), Boston Public Schools will host our first BPSTechTalk, an evening to showcase successes, challenges & best practices around tech & computer science.

Free Books for Teachers of Students Aged 5-13
The Roads to Reading Literacy Initiative is moving out of the Boston Area and needs to give away all books at its Waltham storage facility. Any teacher interested in picking up books should contact

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