Getting Started with Google Drive is Back!
The BTU is happy to bring back our Getting Started with Google Drive courses for those who would like to do more with the Google tools that are part of our everyday work and instruction. Two courses beginning this month have been posted in My Learning Plan and are open to all BTU members.
New Licensure Regulations
There have been several important changes to state licensure requirements and renewal procedures in recent years. It is each educator’s responsibility to maintain a valid license in order to remain employed in Boston Public Schools. The BTU will host a second licensure info session in the Spring, but in the meantime please review this DESE Summary of the new regulations and this helpful presentation provided by AFT Massachusetts of all aspects of the licensure process.
Accelerated Community to Teacher Program
BPS has programs designed to intensively prepare Boston residents OR BPS paraprofessionals, and substitutes to become effective BPS K-12 classroom teachers. See this flyer for details on upcoming info sessions, or register here to receive updates.
Newly Certified or Recertified National Board Teachers
If you are a BPS educator who recently achieved or renewed National Board Certification, please email Shakera Walker to ensure you are up to date on all BPS National Board news and for information on reimbursement, pinning ceremony in the late winter, and other potential opportunities for recognition.
BPS MTEL Prep Courses
The winter schedule is now set. See the flyer or register on My Learning Plan.
EDFS Updates: Limiting System Traffic in January
In order to limit EDFS system traffic during peak usage time for upcoming formative assessments, educators will not be able to log in to EDFS from 10 AM on January 11 through 10 AM on January 16. The comment period for formative assessments will be extended through January 29.
Working Group on Student Feedback in Evaluation
The BTU and BPS agreed, and the membership ratified, a plan to include student feedback in the reflection and goal-setting portions of the educator evaluation system, based on new regulations in state law. If you are interested in joining a working group to inform aspects of the implementation of this component of evaluation, please contact Paul.