Do you want to learn more about Restorative Justice?
Do you want to know more about restorative justice and how you can incorporate the ideas and practices into your school or classroom? Then, check out this flyer for information about a graduate course being offered (beginning on Wednesday). If you would like to earn three graduate credits, the cost is $350.
Please note: you can attend any of the BTU Professional Learning sessions, but if you want to earn graduate credits, you must attend both the five BTU Professional Learning Sessions and the five sessions at the Hernández School (one absence allowed). See the dates on the attached flyer.
Sign up for the graduate course (which includes both the five BTU sessions and the five sessions at the Hernández School).
Sign up for the restorative justice professional learning sessions at the BTU
Draft Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards (DLCS): Time for Public Comment!
MA Digital Literacy and Computer Science Standards (DLCS) are open for public comment. See here.
Good News Comes in Two Announcements
Bernadine Lormilus, a 3rd grade teacher at the John Winthrop School who formerly taught 5th grade at the Channing, has been selected Barbara Capron Award for Excellence in Teaching Elementary School by the Mass Council for the Social Studies, which is the top award in Massachusetts for a teacher of elementary social studies.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards just released videos of exemplary teachers, and three BTU members, Kimberly Frazier-Booth, Kelly Garofalo and Karene Sean Hines were highlighted.