- AFT Summer Leadership Institute: Through August 19
Join us for our Summer Leadership Institute, a series of virtual workshops for local leaders and members to refine their leadership skills as well as to promote participation and initiative in our union! We will still be socially distancing for much of the summer, but with this institute we aim to come together across the state for conversation and learning.
We have a range of different classes, including a training on the new Connect 2.0, information about the para to teacher pipeline and increasing power in your local through building representatives. We also have a series on the role of elected leadership in the union presented by our colleagues at AFT national. - AFT Back to School Webinars: Through August 6
You can find and share resources, and see all of the for-credit webinars, and a host of other free lesson plans and resources, being offered in the new Back to School 2020 community on Share My Lesson.
- Closing the Literacy Achievement Gap in Elementary Education: August 17 – 18
https://info.mghihp.edu/closingtheliteracygapJoin us for this 2-day virtual workshop to close the literacy achievement gap. Learn how language and reading development can be supported and optimized for elementary school-age children. You will identify common brain and behavior myths, differentiate types of reading challenges, and apply your learning to real-world teaching scenarios. Engage in case study analyses, small group problem-solving, and self-assessment of classroom practices. See event page for agenda, faculty, program objectives & testimonials. We hope to make this virtual experience as interactive as possible! - TGH Digital Skills Webinars: Through September 2
Brush up on digital skills through our TGH Summer Webinar Series! The following webinars are free and open to the public and is geared toward beginner and intermediate learners. Please feel free to pass our webinar registration page along to family, friends, and colleagues.
- Mass Department of Education Webinars
The Center for Instructional Support is providing content-specific support to assist teachers, coaches and instructional leaders with implementation of remote learning building upon the Department’s remote learning guidance. These webinars are focused on the prerequisite content standards and share best practices. They are being recorded live and are in the process of being posted for you to access as needed. - Year 13: An Innovative Bridge Year
Year 13 is an innovative bridge year that gives students a head start to college and equips them with the skills necessary to navigate a complex, technology-driven world, ultimately connecting them to high-wage jobs in Boston’s innovation economy.
Year 13 will provide a no-cost, accelerated pathway to college for underrepresented young people—students of color, first-generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds—with the skills, experiences, and networks necessary to build tangible pathways to economic mobility and success in Boston’s innovation economy. It will focus on the intersection of computer aided design (CAD), engineering, computer science, digital fabrication, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and robotics to ready students for the complexity of a constantly evolving economy and society. Using cutting-edge technology, students will “learn by doing” through modular labs and integrated work-based learning experiences taught by faculty and industry experts at the forefront of their fields. Students will leave Year 13 with the confidence, knowledge, and skills needed to successfully transition into college and future career paths related to architecture, engineering, and construction technology—all of which are building the backbone of Boston. Additionally, students will emerge from Year 13 with 18 college credits from the Wentworth Institute of Technology, making college more accessible and more affordable.
Read more here in the Boston Globe.
Applications for the first cohort of Year 13 students opened on June 22, 2020. Apply at www.digitalready.org. Any recent high school graduate is eligible to apply from one of Boston’s public high schools. Priority will be given to Black and Latinx students and students who graduated from one of Boston’s transformation high schools. If you are interested in supporting or collaborating on Year 13, send an email to Year13@digitalready.org. - What’s Good In The Classroom Is Good Remotely: July 30 – August 13
Remote learning during lockdown was abrupt, unplanned, and incredibly challenging for all, especially those with unique learning needs and their families. Despite this, creative solutions have emerged, building on inclusive practices from their in-person classrooms. As we move toward an uncertain resumption of school this fall, how to do so in a way that supports all our students is one of the biggest unanswered questions. In this three-part series, sponsored by TASH New England, educators will learn practical tools to use in the online, remote teaching, or hybrid classroom, and collaborate and connect with educators across the country.When: 1:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern, Thursdays, July 30 – August 13, 2020 Registration: Participants can register for the complete series or for individual workshops. Registration is $10 per session, or $25 when you register for the complete series. - Becoming Anti-Racist Series 2: August 4 – 25
Due to the success of our July low-cost professional development series on white teachers’ responsibilities in racial justice work in schools, we are bringing back the same amazing presenters for another round in August. If you attended the first series, you’ll be exciting to know that each of the guests will be talking about something new in August, so it will be a build-upon rather than a repeat. If you missed series 1, your registration will include the four recordings from that session.
Sessions in August will be August 4, 11, 18, and 25, 7-8:15 PM EST. Participants also will receive suggested readings and reflection-to-action prompts.
Find more information at http://whiteteachers2.eventbrite.com. - Mindful Teaching Courses: Through August 14
This course is aligned to the MA Standards for Effective Teaching Practices. All assignments may be used as evidence to document Educator Evaluation or SMART Goals.
In this course you will: 1) modify or create a student survey to learn your students’ perspectives, 2) reflect on your teaching practices as they relate to each of the four rubric standards, 3) learn mindfulness strategies to minimize stress. Five modules.
Register online. - National Board Summer Learning
Summer learning for NBCTs and candidate support opportunities begin this afternoon with an introduction to the process “Why pursue National Board Certification.”
- Male Educators of Color (MEOC) Executive Coaching Leadership Program – SY20-21
The BPS Male Educators of Color (MEOC) Executive Coaching Leadership Program is a 9-month program designed to increase engagement, retention and leadership rates for the male staff of color within Boston Public Schools. Each session is led and facilitated by current and former male leaders of color from the Boston Public Schools. Participants will receive a valuable combination of executive coaching, research-based content as well as a natural balance between self-reflection and peer interactions. The program will guide participants to focus on key levers of effective educational leadership and also support the development of innovative, research-based solutions to key problems of practice. For more details, click here. - Women Educators of Color (WEOC) Executive Coaching Leadership Program – SY20-21
The BPS Women Educators of Color (WEOC) Executive Coaching Leadership Program is a 9-month program designed to increase engagement, retention and leadership rates for female staff of color within Boston Public Schools. Each session is led and facilitated by current and former female leaders of color from the Boston Public Schools. Participants will receive a valuable combination of executive coaching, research-based content as well as a natural balance between self-reflection and peer interactions. The program will guide participants to focus on key levers of effective educational leadership and also support the development of innovative, research-based solutions to key problems of practice.Our leadership initiative supports a network of women of color focused on collaborating to succeed. For more details, click here. - TGH Summer Webinar Series: Through August 11
Brush up on digital skills through our TGH Summer Webinar Series! The following webinars are free and open to the public and is geared toward beginner and intermediate learners. Please feel free to pass our webinar registration page along to family, friends, and colleagues.
- AFT Share My Lesson Free Webinars and PreK-12 Activities
Catching up on credits? Looking for summer learning ideas? Preparing for the new school year? Join us each Thursday through July 23 for our free Summer of Learning professional development webinar series. - Perrone-Sizer Institute for Creative Leadership BPS Fellowship 2020-2021
Founded by veteran BPS educators Linda Nathan and Carmen Torres, PSi is a leadership certificate program for working professionals that develops innovative, adaptive, and equity-focused leaders who integrate education, creative, and community-based resources to transform the lives of youth and families. PSi can lead to graduate credit from the University of Massachusetts Boston and provides extensive coaching to help you complete the Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL), a key requirement for principal licensure. PSi BPS Fellows will participate in PSi during the 2020-2021 school year and will receive personalized coaching support to prepare them to join BPS’s assistant principal pipeline. There is a chance that these positions will be at no cost to the individual in the program. Learn more and apply at at: Perrone-Sizer Institute for Creative Leadership. Deadline is approaching in May. - Webinars Now on Demand
- The Big 7: Healthy Emotion Regulation During Uncertain Times with Marc Brackett
- 40+ Hours of Professional Development from AFT’s Share My Lesson
- Bonus: Read this blog on 25 important resources and ideas shared by webinar attendees last month.
- The African Studies Center Outreach Program
View the flyer here. - Teacher Leadership/Admin Licensure Certificate Programs
Join a local cohort (Cambridge, Salem, Revere) of educators earning a graduate certificate in teacher leadership, or a CAGS degree in educational leadership (leading to principal or assistant principal licensure). Contact program coordinators at edleadership@salemstate.edu with questions! See the flyer and program overview here. - Interim Assessments and Standards Committees – Stipended Roles
Office of Data and Accountability is seeking teachers to review and provide feedback on the schedule of assessed standards (SAS) and interim assessment items for the upcoming school year (2020-2021). For SY20-21, we are reviewing and revising interim assessments in ELA and Math, and creating new History assessments. See here for more info and to apply.
- Closing the Literacy Achievement Gap in Elementary Education: August 17-18
Upon completion of this program, participants will be able to understand the role of language processes in word reading and reading comprehension and more. See the program page for featured speakers and more detailed information: https://info.mghihp.edu/closingtheliteracygap. CE Credit for Speech-Language Pathologists available. 14 PDPs for Mass educators - Debate-Inspired Classrooms Graduate Class: August 10-14
Register for and attend the Boston Debate League’s weeklong Debate-Inspired Classrooms Graduate Class, August 10-14, 2020. In an engaging, hands-on, collaborative learning community, you will work in Cross-Disciplinary Grade Level (Middle or High School) and Content Groups (ESL, Humanities, STEM) to explore the Debate-Inspired Classrooms teaching approach in which students:- build cross-disciplinary evidence-based argumentation skills;
- engage in critical discourse, with their voices being central and valued in their learning; and
- collaborate with and learn from one another.
- M.A. in Creative Writing and Literature for Educators
Expressly designed for high school teachers – as well as aspiring teachers and professors – this advanced degree nurtures your writing while giving you practical tools for using creative writing in the classroom and for teaching literature from a writer’s point of view.
The program is fully online except for one 3-day on-campus residency in late June. You’ll never have to compromise your day job! Working at your own pace, you can finish the program in two years or take up to five.
https://www.fdu.edu/program/ma-creative-writing-and-literature-for-educators/ - The Flux Teacher Institute
The Flux Teacher Institute will provide fresh and seasoned teachers with tools and collaboration to adapt best practices for remote learning. Flux was created by educators, for educators, the program will bring like-minded teachers from around the country together to share their skills and plan with educational equity in mind. Three independent modules meet twice a week each; registration is sliding scale. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/flux-teacher-institute-tickets-107295459608 - Brandeis Teacher Leadership Program
We are living through unprecedented times and most educators are totally absorbed right now by the challenge of supporting their students and maintaining their learning virtually. But what will happen next year? Classroom teachers will need to revise their curricula and instruction and who better to lead this work than teacher leaders? This is an excellent time to apply to the Brandeis Teacher Leadership Program to gain the skills you need to work effectively with colleagues and administrators to strengthen your school. For more information go to: go.brandeis.edu/TeacherLeadership. - Move events coming soon.
Add your name to the invite lists or suggest future topics here.