BPS-BTU PD Needs Assessment Survey Now Open
The BTU and BPS want to hear directly from educators about their perceptions of and priorities for professional learning. This survey has been developed collaboratively by the BTU, BPS, and Boston School Committee through our participation in the District Capacity Project where we are using a collaborative labor-management approach to improving professional learning district-wide. CLICK HERE TO BEGIN NOW (only accessible from your BPS login) or click here for more information more about this survey. The survey will close on Friday, May 6.
The BPS Accelerated Community To Teacher Program is a part time program that uses a cohort model and current experienced BPS teachers (all are either National Board Certified or possess triple certification) to prepare Boston community members, BPS paraprofessionals & substitutes to become a 1st year teacher with a preliminary license. Read more.
Shape the Future of Professional Learning
Applications are now open for the Professional Learning Advisory Board (PLAB), a working group of Boston Public Schools educators dedicated to the advancement and improvement of professional learning in the district in order to improve the learning and well-being of our students. PLAB ensures that the teacher voice is heard, respected, and valued in decision making. Members are jointly appointed by the Boston Teachers Union and the Boston Public Schools. For more information about PLAB including meeting dates and member responsibilities, see here. Or click here to apply today. Applications are due by May 16.
What do you Think of the State Accountability System?
DESE is seeking feedback from educators about how the state accountability system works and might be improved. Take the survey or upload your own feedback document.