The Boston Writing Project is recruiting teachers
The Boston Writing Project is recruiting teachers who currently teach history or social studies to participate in a four and a half day mini-institute that explores the use of primary documents and writing to teach their subject area. The overall institute would provide participants an opportunity to share experiences, reflect on and revise lessons, engage with new ideas, become familiar with resources at the Mass. State Archives and the Edward M. Kennedy Center for the Study of the Senate. For more information and an application see the BWP website.
Professional Learning Grant Winners Make Learning Public
Congratulations to this year’s BTU Professional Learning Grant winners. Read about their projects and check out their first blog posts on our website. Each grant winner will continue to post about their learning throughout the year and will present at the. . .
2016 Professional Learning Conference: Save the Date
The 3rd Annual Professional Learning Conference will be held on June 4, 2016 at the BTU. As always, the conference will be a celebration of the work BPS educators do each day. Attendees are sure to leave with practical ideas to try right away and big ideas to think about all summer long. Check out the Storify page from last year’s conference. If you are interested in being a part of this year’s planning committee, email Paul.
Do you want PD on Using Technology on March 17?
As a follow up to our successful January 4 PD day, where more than 140 BTU members engaged in professional learning to improve their knowledge and skill with technology, the BTU is collaborating with the BPS Digital Learning Team to plan an event on Evacuation Day, March 17. “Creating, Communicating, Collaborating and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Classroom” will be an opportunity to go deeper into a variety of topics, and we want to hear from you. If you are interested in attending on March 17, please complete this survey to tell us what you are interested in.