Published On: March 22, 2016

Attention K2 teachers and paraprofessionals….
Here’s a link to the new pilot K2 report. The report was created in collaboration with K2 teachers, the science, ELA, math, and art departments, the office of Family Engagement, members of the early childhood department, and the BTU. Even though it has been well-vetted, it is still currently a pilot. The K2 pilot report will still be subject to revisions based on your experiences and the response of families. This has, after all, been designed as a communication tool between you and the families of the children you teach. Please let us know whether or not you will be using this report this spring. Additionally, contact Michael McLaughlin (, Paul Tritter ( and Melissa Tonachel ( with feedback. Thanks to those who have attended the informational meetings, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Pre-Texts: Using Art and Creativity to Implement UDL and CDTs
Harvard Public School Partnerships, Boston Public Schools and Pre-Texts: Cultural Agents, invites grade 3-5 teachers to a five-week professional development designed to help you:

  • Improve the implementation of a UDL approach in teaching Common Core literacy standards using Expeditionary Learning Modules.
  • Understand how to build literacy skills through art making.
  • Engage learners in cognitively demanding tasks through the pleasures of creative play.

Pre-Texts is a fun and flexible teacher training program that develops high order literacy and citizenship by using complex texts as prompts for making art. Sessions will be led by Doris Sommer, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures and founder of Pre-Texts at Cultural Agents, Harvard University, Hilary Shea, Inclusion Specialist in the Boston Public Schools and Paul Tritter, Boston Teachers Union, Director of Professional Learning. See a flyer here(attached). Register today.

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