- Connect & Share Sessions on “Access to Fishtank for Multilingual Learners”: Feb 6 & Mar 11, 5:30-7:00pm
Feb/Mar Connect & Share Sessions on “Access to Fishtank for Multilingual Learners”: Join us on Zoom on February 6 and March 11 to hear from colleagues about what’s working in their classrooms and in their schools. Join for one or both sessions. See flyer for more info.
Flyer: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1g5nWd3v94sSiJ7TIKp9zsjSm1XVFSeZYAC6D3GaCp0/edit#slide=id.g2018affd15f_0_92
RSVP: https://airtable.com/apptrZMNGEJSjRVoc/pagJBgO8pTs4D8FCy/form
- Critical Disciplinary Literacy ALC course, 2/3-3/17, Mondays 4-6pm, Zoom.
This course is designed for secondary content teachers. Across 6 modules, participants will explore critical perspectives on disciplinary literacy. They will learn about research traditions of culturally sustaining pedagogies, disciplinary literacy, and other critical perspectives in education. Enroll on Vector by searching for the title, “Critical Disciplinary Literacy 2025”
Course flier: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VOu_rJSdD251mbCksyW26_x2DXj_ytDu/view?usp=drive_link**Even if you missed the first session and are interested, email elane2@bostonpublicschools.org, you may still be able to join!!!***
- Telescope Learning Site: Building Communication through Literacy in Early Childhood Sub Separate Classrooms (ABA): March 12 or March 13
This learning site on 3/12/25 OR 3/13/25 places the question of “How do we use engaging read alouds to increase young students’ communication and build knowledge?” within the context of a sub separate (ABA) classroom. Come see one of two K0/K1 classes, led by Amanda Cosgrove (Umana Academy, K0/K1 Sub Separate (ABA) and Karissa Howard (Lee K-8, K0/K1 Sub Separate ABA), where students are engaging in meaningful read alouds and their growing knowledge of the unit’s content. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teachers. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available.Flyer – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16hrP5YhmSAxEYgKuDcZbHSRoFBzbhy4mZ_d274clPbk/edit?usp=sharing
RSVP- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-e1P8NggA_86GaVR-oTlKucmqPV_Bz6Adkyoscy_79n2s0Q/viewform?usp=sharing
- Telescope Network Learning Site – Building Oral Language in Early Childhood Classrooms: March 21
This learning site on 3/21/25 places the question of “How do we use engaging read alouds to increase young student’s oral language development and vocabulary, supporting their ability to build knowledge?” within the context of a diverse classroom. Come see two K0/K1 classes, led by Stephanie Leon and Jessica Pumphret (East Boston EEC), where students are engaging in meaningful conversations about a read aloud, vocabulary, and their growing knowledge of the unit. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teachers. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available.
Flyer – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TepRfH9pNDXAQG5AMxgHdunU8xvgE2ecA9dDUwGfPaE/edit?usp=sharing
RSVP – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeBvn6ZTjOOXXLhKCS-pdQOEu9rk3fMLq1tm-rhTM4ecUrxMg/viewform?usp=sharing
- Building Independence and Agency in a Productive Learning Environment Learning Site
The Telescope Network and Boston Teacher Residency Induction Program are co-hosting multi-level Learning Sites between March 10th and 18th. The Learning Site focuses on the question, “How do we cultivate a safe, productive, and culturally responsive learning environment that demonstrates agency and independence?” Open to all, but recommended for early career educators.
Flyer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zucWJJWhktWsaYLwZvBHaH2X6hnRAjpk/view?usp=sharing
RSVP: https://forms.gle/UUBDCxxRXdSpR8vw7
- Telescope Math Sub Separate Learning Cohort: March 20, 4:30-6:30pm
Sub Separate Math Learning Cohort is designed to create a space for educators from across BPS to come together to strengthen our understanding of how to support our students in sub separate programs to access high quality math curricula. Each session will be on Zoom and will include presentations from school-based educators and will also include some “open space” for participant-led small group discussions. Open to all K-12 sub separate math educators. Also open to related service providers, district staff and others interested in joining.
- Multilingual Learners Math Learning Site
Multilingual Learners Secondary Math Learning Site: If you or an educator you know is looking to see grade level math curricula in an SEI classroom, this is an opportunity to join other educators for a day in a live classroom around a common area of practice. This learning site on 3/27 places the question of “How do we provide access to rigorous math learning experiences for our multilingual learners?” within the context of a Math 3 SEI classroom. Come see a high school math class, led by Karina Halloran (English High School), where students are engaging in complex tasks and making sense of mathematics. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teacher. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available.
- Climate Change in the City: Place-Based Learning in Boston Harbor
Calling all grades 6-12 teachers! The Stone Living Lab and National Parks of Boston are hosting our third summer teacher professional development course bringing together place-based learning and climate change education. Participating Boston-area teachers will explore sites of Boston through the lens of climate change and participatory coastal science, and will develop a place-based experience for implementation in the 2025/2026 academic yearBy the end of this course, teachers will have greater comfort and capacity to bring their students out of the classroom for meaningful and relevant learning experiences, as well as the knowledge, tools and confidence to integrate partners’ resources and expertise into their teaching and learning. The week-long PD also serves as an opportunity for teachers to build relationships with researchers and educators to develop robust learning experiences that better serve the needs of and address the challenges faced by Boston area teachers.
This course is for any in-classroom educator aiming to incorporate place-based climate change learning and discussion into their classroom. Participants across different disciplines, including History, Language, Art, STEM, and teacher teams are encouraged to apply!
Course Details:
• Course dates: July 21-25, 2025, 9am-5pm daily
• Final Presentations: August 21, 5:30-7:30 PM
• FREE for Boston-area Public and Charter School Teachers, grades 6-12
• 3 FREE Graduate Credits
• Course offered through Fitchburg State University
• Participants will design a capstone project incorporating course resourcesAudience: 15 Boston metro area teachers, particularly grades 6-12.
Past Field Trip Sites include: Spectacle Island, Condor Street Urban Wild, Coughlin Park (Winthrop), Carson Beach, and Charlestown Navy Yard.
Application link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKqw6CjhYEtY8Ieeq_wNZnJ0wFfz7qjO2yEqkQ3apjdfK2Yw/viewform
Find out more about the Stone Living Lab and previous Institutes here: stonelivinglab.org
- “Witnessing Black America through the Art of John Wilson” Educator Workshop Thursday, April 10, 4:30-6:30pm; MFA Boston; Free
Gain tools for activating classroom conversations with the art of esteemed artist John Wilson, whose work can resonate with students’ experiences today: his art displays his search for identity as an artist, Black man, parent, and American, while also exploring disenfranchisement, racial prejudice, and social injustice. The new exhibition, co-organized by the MFA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, explores the many ways Wilson called attention to racial, social, and economic injustices through his art. Challenging both biases and omissions, Wilson’s work offers authentic representation of Black Americans ….
Register: https://www.mfa.org/event/educator-workshops/witnessing-black-america-through-the-art-of-john-wilson?event=132586 - BU Wheelock Forum, Thriving in the Middle School Years March 27-28
Thriving in the Middle School Years: It’s a period of rapid developmental and social shifts that can be challenging for young adolescents and their families, teachers, and communities. But as those who care for and work with students in middle school can attest, it’s also a time of joy, resilience, and an emerging sense of self.The 2025 BU Wheelock Forum examines the deficit narrative of early adolescence that has resulted in youth ages 10–15 being overlooked, undervalued, and minimized in research, policymaking, and investment. Join us to explore the complexity of this pivotal time in adolescent development and the ways in which systems and strategies can be refocused to help students thrive.
FREE Event: https://www.bu.edu/wheelock/news/bu-wheelock-forum/