Published On: February 25, 2025



  •  Advancing Equity in Tier 1 Classroom Behavior Supports – Online, Self-Paced Modules
    We are looking for BPS teachers to complete 8 online training modules and to give us feedback about their experience of the modules as part of a pilot study. Modules are only 20-30 minutes each and are self-paced. Teachers who participate in our pilot study will receive 4 PDPs and a $50 Amazon gift card. Modules focus on developing skills for equity-focused behavior support in the classroom at the tier 1 level. Module topics include: Introduction to Advancing Equity, Supportive Relationships, Classroom Community, Celebrating Success, Responding with Care, Supportive Family Partnerships, Using Data to Advance Equity, Teacher Wellness. To learn more or register to participate go to:


  •  Critical Disciplinary Literacy ALC course, 2/3-3/17, Mondays 4-6pm, Zoom. 
    This course is designed for secondary content teachers. Across 6 modules, participants will explore critical perspectives on disciplinary literacy. They will learn about research traditions of culturally sustaining pedagogies, disciplinary literacy, and other critical perspectives in education. Enroll on Vector by searching for the title, “Critical Disciplinary Literacy 2025”
    Course flier: 

    **Even if you missed the first session and are interested, email, you may still be able to join!!!***


    Spanish for BPS Educators: Intermediate Level – Feb. 25 – April 8, 2025
    Unlock new connections! Strengthen your communication with Spanish-speaking students and families! Sign-up form. Questions contact Julie Caldarone,




  • Telescope Learning Site: Building Communication through Literacy in Early Childhood Sub Separate Classrooms (ABA): March 12 or March 13
    This learning site on 3/12/25 OR 3/13/25 places the question of “How do we use engaging read alouds to increase young students’ communication and build knowledge?” within the context of a sub separate (ABA) classroom. Come see one of two K0/K1 classes, led by Amanda Cosgrove (Umana Academy, K0/K1 Sub Separate (ABA) and Karissa Howard (Lee K-8, K0/K1 Sub Separate ABA), where students are engaging in meaningful read alouds and their growing knowledge of the unit’s content. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teachers. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available. 

    Flyer –


  • Telescope Network Learning Site – Building Oral Language in Early Childhood Classrooms: March 21
    This learning site on 3/21/25 places the question of “How do we use engaging read alouds to increase young student’s oral language development and vocabulary, supporting their ability to build knowledge?” within the context of a diverse classroom. Come see two K0/K1 classes, led by Stephanie Leon and Jessica Pumphret (East Boston EEC), where students are engaging in meaningful conversations about a read aloud, vocabulary, and their growing knowledge of the unit. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teachers. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available.
    Flyer –
    RSVP –


  • Building Independence and Agency in a Productive Learning Environment Learning Site
    The Telescope Network and Boston Teacher Residency Induction Program are co-hosting multi-level Learning Sites between March 10th and 18th. The Learning Site focuses on the question, “How do we cultivate a safe, productive, and culturally responsive learning environment that demonstrates agency and independence?” Open to all, but recommended for early career educators.



  • Elementary World Language Learning Site March 6
    The BPS/BTU Telescope Network and BPS World Language Department are co-hosting a Learning Site for elementary world language teachers on March 6. Our topic is: “How do we scaffold the World Language curriculum frameworks to meet the needs of our students?” This session includes a peer observation of Yingling Hsu (Mandarin Teacher, Harvard-Kent Elementary).Space is limited for this Learning Site. Attendees must join the 3/6 in-person session and at least 3 of the 4 virtual sessions. Those who meet the attendance requirements and complete an artifact will be eligible for 1 ALC credit in addition to their PD hours.

    RSVP form:

  • Multilingual Learners Math Learning Site
    Multilingual Learners Secondary Math Learning Site: If you or an educator you know is looking to see grade level math curricula in an SEI classroom, this is an opportunity to join other educators for a day in a live classroom around a common area of practice. This learning site on 3/27 places the question of “How do we provide access to rigorous math learning experiences for our multilingual learners?” within the context of a Math 3 SEI classroom. Come see a high school math class, led by Karina Halloran (English High School), where students are engaging in complex tasks and making sense of mathematics. After the classroom visit, educators will reflect, synthesize the impact for learning, and pose questions for a debrief with the host teacher. Participants will then use the hows and whys of the host teacher’s practice to implement a change idea in their own practice. The follow up coaching sessions are designed for collaborative feedback from the group of participants. ALC/PDPs are available.

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